--meta script_name("SMES") script_author("qrlk") script_version("23.02.2021") script_dependencies('CLEO 4+', 'SAMPFUNCS', 'Dear Imgui', 'SAMP.Lua') script_moonloader(026) script_changelog = [[ v23.02.2021 * UPD: Мелкое изменение системы автообновления и статистики. v2.16 [24.11.2020] * UPD: Обновлены IP адреса серверов. v2.15 [01.06.2020] * UPD: Обновлены IP адреса серверов. v2.1 [22.09.2019] * FIX: Проверка афк адаптирована под обновление sleep (SRP). v2.0 [22.09.2019] * INFO: Open Source. v1.27 [01.05.2019] * FIX: Восстановление работоспособности * UPD: Изменён формат отображения даты с европейского на СНГ. v1.26 [02.04.2019] * FIX: Улучшен захват смсок на ERP. * FIX: Фикс фикса краша при настройке звука через клавиатуру вне доступного диапазона. v1.25 [31.03.2019] * UPD: Обновлен шаблон смски для ERP, гении зачем-то точку добавили в конце. v1.23 [30.03.2019] * UPD: Переписана логика отрисовки диалогов, теперь количество сообщений активного диалога влияет на фпс в ~500 раз меньше. * UPD: Оптимизирован модуль информации о собеседнике: скорость отрисовки кадра увеличена в три раза. * UPD: Оптимизирован список диалогов для лучшей производительности. * UPD: Теперь "Ваш_Ник достает мобильник скрывается если скрыты исходящие смс (ERP)". * UPD: Теперь smes игнорирует смс от бота Малевича (ERP). * UPD: Теперь smes сверяет номер собеседника. Если собеседник изменил номер, напишите ему одну смс вручную/пусть он вам напишет и номер обновится в БД (ARP/TRP/DRP). * FIX: Фикс краша при настройке звука через клавиатуру вне доступного диапазона. v1.11 [28.03.2019] * NEW: Добавлен хоткей фокуса на ввод: при нажатии устанавливается фокус на ввод сообщения в активном диалоге. * NEW: Добавлена поддержка Trinity-RPG. * UPD: Размеры селектора звуков увеличены. * FIX: Исправлен баг хоткея быстрого ответа на смс (мессенджер не открывался если уже был выбран нужный диалог). * FIX: Исправлен баг, когда хоткей создания диалога не работал как нужно. * FIX: Уведомление о запуске скрипта больше не показывается на неподдерживаемых серверах (скрипт не запускался, но уведомление показывалось). * FIX: Исправлен баг, когда курсор оставался после ввода кода активации PREMIUM. * FIX: Исправлен баг, когда курсор оставался после перезапуска скрипта через менеджер лицензий. * FIX: Исправлен баг, когда машина тормозила после фокуса на окно ввода текста. * FIX: Исправлен редкий баг, когда управление персонажем блокировалось, если было закрыто окно мессенджера с активным окном созданием диалога. v1.0 [27.03.2019] * Релиз.]] --require do -- This is your secret 67-bit key (any random bits are OK) local Key53 = 8186484168865098 local Key14 = 4887 local inv256 function decode(str) local K, F = Key53, 16384 + Key14 return (str:gsub('%x%x', function(c) local L = K % 274877906944 -- 2^38 local H = (K - L) / 274877906944 local M = H % 128 c = tonumber(c, 16) local m = (c + (H - M) / 128) * (2 * M + 1) % 256 K = L * F + H + c + m return string.char(m) end)) end end do function r_smart_cleo_and_sampfuncs() if isSampfuncsLoaded() == false then while not isPlayerPlaying(PLAYER_HANDLE) do wait(100) end wait(1000) setPlayerControl(PLAYER_HANDLE, false) setGxtEntry('CMLUTTL', 'SMES') setGxtEntry('CMLUMSG', 'Skriptu nuzhen SAMPFUNCS.asi dlya raboty.~n~~w~Esli net CLEO, to tozhe budet ustanovlen.~n~~w~Hotite chtoby ya ego skachal?~n~~w~') setGxtEntry('CMLUYES', 'Da!') setGxtEntry('CMLUY', 'Ne, otkroy ssylku, ia sam!') setGxtEntry('CMLUNO', 'Net!') local menu = createMenu('CMLUTTL', 120, 110, 400, 1, true, true, 1) local dummy = 'DUMMY' setMenuColumn(menu, 0, 'CMLUMSG', dummy, dummy, dummy, dummy, 'CMLUYES', 'CMLUY', 'CMLUNO', dummy, dummy, dummy, dummy, dummy, dummy) setActiveMenuItem(menu, 4) while true do wait(0) if isButtonPressed(PLAYER_HANDLE, 15) or isButtonPressed(PLAYER_HANDLE, 16) then if getMenuItemSelected(menu) == 4 then pass = true if not isCleoLoaded() then pass = false downloadUrlToFile("https://github.com/qrlk/smes/raw/master/deps/cleo.asi", getGameDirectory().."\\cleo.asi", function(id, status, p1, p2) if status == 5 then printStringNow(string.format("CLEO.asi: %d KB / %d KB", p1 / 1000, p2 / 1000), 5000) elseif status == 58 then printStringNow("CLEO.asi installed.", 5000) pass = true end end ) end while pass ~= true do wait(100) end downloadUrlToFile("https://github.com/qrlk/smes/raw/master/deps/SAMPFUNCS.asi", getGameDirectory().."\\SAMPFUNCS.asi", function(id, status, p1, p2) if status == 5 then printStringNow(string.format("SAMPFUNCS.asi: %d KB / %d KB", p1 / 1000, p2 / 1000), 5000) elseif status == 58 then printStringNow("Installed. You MUST RESTART the game!", 5000) thisScript():unload() end end ) end if getMenuItemSelected(menu) == 5 then local ffi = require 'ffi' ffi.cdef [[ void* __stdcall ShellExecuteA(void* hwnd, const char* op, const char* file, const char* params, const char* dir, int show_cmd); uint32_t __stdcall CoInitializeEx(void*, uint32_t); ]] local shell32 = ffi.load 'Shell32' local ole32 = ffi.load 'Ole32' ole32.CoInitializeEx(nil, 2 + 4) -- COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED | COINIT_DISABLE_OLE1DDE deleteMenu(menu) print(shell32.ShellExecuteA(nil, 'open', 'https://blast.hk/threads/17/', nil, nil, 1)) thisScript():unload() end break end end wait(0) deleteMenu(menu) setPlayerControl(PLAYER_HANDLE, true) end end function r_smart_lib_imgui() if not pcall(function() imgui = require 'imgui' end) then waiter = true local prefix = "[SMES]: " local color = 0xffa500 sampAddChatMessage(prefix.."Модуль Dear ImGui загружен неудачно. Для работы скрипта этот модуль обязателен.", color) sampAddChatMessage(prefix.."Средство автоматического исправления ошибок может попробовать скачать модуль за вас.", color) sampAddChatMessage(prefix.."Нажмите F2, чтобы запустить средство автоматического исправления ошибок.", color) while not wasKeyPressed(113) do wait(10) end if wasKeyPressed(113) then sampAddChatMessage(prefix.."Запускаю средство автоматического исправления ошибок.", color) local imguifiles = { [getGameDirectory().."\\moonloader\\lib\\imgui.lua"] = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/qrlk/smes/master/lib/imgui.lua", [getGameDirectory().."\\moonloader\\lib\\MoonImGui.dll"] = "https://github.com/qrlk/smes/raw/master/lib/MoonImGui.dll" } createDirectory(getGameDirectory().."\\moonloader\\lib\\") for k, v in pairs(imguifiles) do if doesFileExist(k) then sampAddChatMessage(prefix.."Файл "..k.." найден.", color) sampAddChatMessage(prefix.."Удаляю "..k.." и скачиваю последнюю доступную версию.", color) os.remove(k) else sampAddChatMessage(prefix.."Файл "..k.." не найден.", color) end sampAddChatMessage(prefix.."Ссылка: "..v..". Пробую скачать.", color) pass = false wait(1500) downloadUrlToFile(v, k, function(id, status, p1, p2) if status == 5 then sampAddChatMessage(string.format(prefix..k..' - Загружено %d KB из %d KB.', p1 / 1000, p2 / 1000), color) elseif status == 58 then sampAddChatMessage(prefix..k..' - Загрузка завершена.', color) pass = true end end ) while pass == false do wait(1) end end sampAddChatMessage(prefix.."Кажется, все файлы загружены. Попробую запустить модуль Dear ImGui ещё раз.", color) local status, err = pcall(function() imgui = require 'imgui' end) if status then sampAddChatMessage(prefix.."Модуль Dear ImGui успешно загружен!", color) waiter = false waitforreload = true else sampAddChatMessage(prefix.."Модуль Dear ImGui загружен неудачно!", color) sampAddChatMessage(prefix.."Обратитесь в поддержку скрипта (vk.me/qrlk.mods), приложив файл moonloader.log", color) print(err) for k, v in pairs(imguifiles) do print(k.." - "..tostring(doesFileExist(k)).." from "..v) end thisScript():unload() end end end while waiter do wait(100) end end function r_smart_lib_samp_events() if not pcall(function() RPC = require 'lib.samp.events' end) then waiter = true local prefix = "[SMES]: " local color = 0xffa500 sampAddChatMessage(prefix.."Модуль SAMP.Lua загружен неудачно. Для работы скрипта этот модуль обязателен.", color) sampAddChatMessage(prefix.."Средство автоматического исправления ошибок может попробовать скачать модуль за вас.", color) sampAddChatMessage(prefix.."Нажмите F2, чтобы запустить средство автоматического исправления ошибок.", color) while not wasKeyPressed(113) do wait(10) end if wasKeyPressed(113) then sampAddChatMessage(prefix.."Запускаю средство автоматического исправления ошибок.", color) local sampluafiles = { [getGameDirectory().."\\moonloader\\lib\\samp\\events.lua"] = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/THE-FYP/SAMP.Lua/master/samp/events.lua", [getGameDirectory().."\\moonloader\\lib\\samp\\raknet.lua"] = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/THE-FYP/SAMP.Lua/master/samp/raknet.lua", [getGameDirectory().."\\moonloader\\lib\\samp\\synchronization.lua"] = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/THE-FYP/SAMP.Lua/master/samp/synchronization.lua", [getGameDirectory().."\\moonloader\\lib\\samp\\events\\bitstream_io.lua"] = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/THE-FYP/SAMP.Lua/master/samp/events/bitstream_io.lua", [getGameDirectory().."\\moonloader\\lib\\samp\\events\\core.lua"] = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/THE-FYP/SAMP.Lua/master/samp/events/core.lua", [getGameDirectory().."\\moonloader\\lib\\samp\\events\\bitstream_io.lua"] = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/THE-FYP/SAMP.Lua/master/samp/events/bitstream_io.lua", [getGameDirectory().."\\moonloader\\lib\\samp\\events\\extra_types.lua"] = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/THE-FYP/SAMP.Lua/master/samp/events/extra_types.lua", [getGameDirectory().."\\moonloader\\lib\\samp\\events\\handlers.lua"] = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/THE-FYP/SAMP.Lua/master/samp/events/handlers.lua", [getGameDirectory().."\\moonloader\\lib\\samp\\events\\utils.lua"] = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/THE-FYP/SAMP.Lua/master/samp/events/utils.lua", } createDirectory(getGameDirectory().."\\moonloader\\lib\\samp\\events") for k, v in pairs(sampluafiles) do if doesFileExist(k) then sampAddChatMessage(prefix.."Файл "..k.." найден.", color) sampAddChatMessage(prefix.."Удаляю "..k.." и скачиваю последнюю доступную версию.", color) os.remove(k) else sampAddChatMessage(prefix.."Файл "..k.." не найден.", color) end sampAddChatMessage(prefix.."Ссылка: "..v..". Пробую скачать.", color) pass = false wait(1500) downloadUrlToFile(v, k, function(id, status, p1, p2) if status == 5 then sampAddChatMessage(string.format(prefix..k..' - Загружено %d KB из %d KB.', p1 / 1000, p2 / 1000), color) elseif status == 58 then sampAddChatMessage(prefix..k..' - Загрузка завершена.', color) pass = true end end ) while pass == false do wait(1) end end sampAddChatMessage(prefix.."Кажется, все файлы загружены. Попробую запустить модуль SAMP.Lua ещё раз.", color) local status1, err = pcall(function() RPC = require 'lib.samp.events' end) if status1 then sampAddChatMessage(prefix.."Модуль SAMP.Lua успешно загружен!", color) waiter = false waitforreload = true else sampAddChatMessage(prefix.."Модуль SAMP.Lua загружен неудачно!", color) sampAddChatMessage(prefix.."Обратитесь в поддержку скрипта (vk.me/qrlk.mods), приложив файл moonloader.log", color) print(err) for k, v in pairs(sampluafiles) do print(k.." - "..tostring(doesFileExist(k)).." from "..v) end thisScript():unload() end end end while waiter do wait(100) end end function r_smart_get_sounds() if not doesDirectoryExist(getGameDirectory().."\\moonloader\\resource\\smes\\sounds\\") then createDirectory(getGameDirectory().."\\moonloader\\resource\\smes\\sounds\\") end kols = 0 if PREMIUM then currentaudiokolDD = tonumber(currentaudiokol) else currentaudiokolDD = 10 end for i = 1, currentaudiokolDD do local file = getGameDirectory().."\\moonloader\\resource\\smes\\sounds\\"..i..".mp3" if not doesFileExist(file) then kols = kols + 1 end end if kols > 0 then local prefix = "[SMES]: " local color = 0xffa500 sampAddChatMessage(prefix.."Для работы скрипта нужно докачать "..kols.." аудиофайлов.", color) sampAddChatMessage(prefix.."Нажмите F2, чтобы запустить скачивание аудиофайлов.", color) while not wasKeyPressed(113) do wait(10) end if wasKeyPressed(113) then for i = 1, currentaudiokolDD do local file = getGameDirectory().."\\moonloader\\resource\\smes\\sounds\\"..i..".mp3" if not doesFileExist(file) then v = "https://github.com/qrlk/smes/raw/master/resource/smes/sounds/"..i..".mp3" k = file sampAddChatMessage(prefix..v.." -> "..k, color) pass = false wait(10) downloadUrlToFile(v, k, function(id, status, p1, p2) if status == 5 then sampAddChatMessage(string.format(prefix..k..' - Загружено %d KB из %d KB.', p1 / 1000, p2 / 1000), color) elseif status == 58 then sampAddChatMessage(prefix..k..' - Загрузка завершена.', color) pass = true end end ) while pass == false do wait(1) end end end end end end function r_lib_rkeys() --[[Register HotKey for MoonLoader Author: DonHomka Functions: - bool result, int id = registerHotKey(table keys, bool pressed, function callback) - bool result, int count = unRegisterHotKey(table keys) - bool result, int id = isHotKeyDefined(table keys) - bool result, int id = blockNextHotKey(table keys) - bool result, int count = unBlockNextHotKey(table keys) - bool result, int id = isBlockedHotKey(table keys) - table keys = getCurrentHotKey() - table keys = getAllHotKey() HotKey data: - table keys Return table keys for active hotkey - bool pressed True - wasKeyPressed() / False - isKeyDown() - function callback Call this function on active hotkey E-mail: a.skinfy@gmail.com VK: http://vk.com/DonHomka TeleGramm: http://t.me/DonHomka Discord: DonHomka#2534]] local vkeys = require 'vkeys' vkeys.key_names[vkeys.VK_LMENU] = "LAlt" vkeys.key_names[vkeys.VK_RMENU] = "RAlt" vkeys.key_names[vkeys.VK_LSHIFT] = "LShift" vkeys.key_names[vkeys.VK_RSHIFT] = "RShift" vkeys.key_names[vkeys.VK_LCONTROL] = "LCtrl" vkeys.key_names[vkeys.VK_RCONTROL] = "RCtrl" local tHotKey = {} local tKeyList = {} local tKeysCheck = {} local iCountCheck = 0 local tBlockKeys = {[vkeys.VK_LMENU] = true, [vkeys.VK_RMENU] = true, [vkeys.VK_RSHIFT] = true, [vkeys.VK_LSHIFT] = true, [vkeys.VK_LCONTROL] = true, [vkeys.VK_RCONTROL] = true} local tModKeys = {[vkeys.VK_MENU] = true, [vkeys.VK_SHIFT] = true, [vkeys.VK_CONTROL] = true} local tBlockNext = {} local module = {} module._VERSION = "1.0.7" module._MODKEYS = tModKeys module._LOCKKEYS = false local function getKeyNum(id) for k, v in pairs(tKeyList) do if v == id then return k end end return 0 end function module.blockNextHotKey(keys) local bool = false if not module.isBlockedHotKey(keys) then tBlockNext[#tBlockNext + 1] = keys bool = true end return bool end function module.isHotKeyHotKey(keys, keys2) local bool for k, v in pairs(keys) do local lBool = true for i = 1, #keys2 do if v ~= keys2[i] then lBool = false break end end if lBool then bool = true break end end return bool end function module.isBlockedHotKey(keys) local bool, hkId = false, - 1 for k, v in pairs(tBlockNext) do if module.isHotKeyHotKey(keys, v) then bool = true hkId = k break end end return bool, hkId end function module.unBlockNextHotKey(keys) local result = false local count = 0 while module.isBlockedHotKey(keys) do local _, id = module.isBlockedHotKey(keys) tHotKey[id] = nil result = true count = count + 1 end local id = 1 for k, v in pairs(tBlockNext) do tBlockNext[id] = v id = id + 1 end return result, count end function module.isKeyModified(id) return (tModKeys[id] or false) or (tBlockKeys[id] or false) end function module.isModifiedDown() local bool = false for k, v in pairs(tModKeys) do if isKeyDown(k) then bool = true break end end return bool end lua_thread.create( function () while true do wait(0) local tDownKeys = module.getCurrentHotKey() for k, v in pairs(tHotKey) do if #v.keys > 0 then local bool = true for i = 1, #v.keys do if i ~= #v.keys and (getKeyNum(v.keys[i]) > getKeyNum(v.keys[i + 1]) or getKeyNum(v.keys[i]) == 0) then bool = false break elseif i == #v.keys and (v.pressed and not wasKeyPressed(v.keys[i]) or not v.pressed and not isKeyDown(v.keys[i])) or (#v.keys == 1 and module.isModifiedDown()) then bool = false break end end if bool and ((module.onHotKey and module.onHotKey(k, v.keys) ~= false) or module.onHotKey == nil) then local result, id = module.isBlockedHotKey(v.keys) if not result then v.callback(k, v.keys) else tBlockNext[id] = nil end end end end end end ) function module.registerHotKey(keys, pressed, callback) tHotKey[#tHotKey + 1] = {keys = keys, pressed = pressed, callback = callback} return true, #tHotKey end function module.getAllHotKey() return tHotKey end function module.unRegisterHotKey(keys) local result = false local count = 0 while module.isHotKeyDefined(keys) do local _, id = module.isHotKeyDefined(keys) tHotKey[id] = nil result = true count = count + 1 end local id = 1 local tNewHotKey = {} for k, v in pairs(tHotKey) do tNewHotKey[id] = v id = id + 1 end tHotKey = tNewHotKey return result, count end function module.isHotKeyDefined(keys) local bool, hkId = false, - 1 for k, v in pairs(tHotKey) do if module.isHotKeyHotKey(keys, v.keys) then bool = true hkId = k break end end return bool, hkId end function module.getKeysName(keys) local tKeysName = {} for k, v in ipairs(keys) do tKeysName[k] = vkeys.id_to_name(v) end return tKeysName end function module.getCurrentHotKey(type) local type = type or 0 local tCurKeys = {} for k, v in pairs(vkeys) do if tBlockKeys[v] == nil then local num, down = getKeyNum(v), isKeyDown(v) if down and num == 0 then tKeyList[#tKeyList + 1] = v elseif num > 0 and not down then tKeyList[num] = nil end end end local i = 1 for k, v in pairs(tKeyList) do tCurKeys[i] = type == 0 and v or vkeys.id_to_name(v) i = i + 1 end return tCurKeys end return module end function r_lib_imcustom_hotkey() local vkeys = require 'vkeys' local rkeys = r_lib_rkeys() local wm = require 'lib.windows.message' local tBlockKeys = {[vkeys.VK_RETURN] = true, [vkeys.VK_T] = true, [vkeys.VK_F6] = true, [vkeys.VK_F8] = true} local tBlockChar = {[116] = true, [84] = true} local tBlockNextDown = {} local module = {} module._VERSION = "1.1.5" module._SETTINGS = { noKeysMessage = "No" } local tHotKeyData = { edit = nil, save = {} } local tKeys = {} function module.HotKey(name, keys, lastkeys, width) local width = width or 90 local name = tostring(name) local lastkeys = lastkeys or {} local keys, bool = keys or {}, false lastkeys.v = keys.v local sKeys = table.concat(rkeys.getKeysName(keys.v), " + ") if #tHotKeyData.save > 0 and tostring(tHotKeyData.save[1]) == name then keys.v = tHotKeyData.save[2] sKeys = table.concat(rkeys.getKeysName(keys.v), " + ") tHotKeyData.save = {} bool = true elseif tHotKeyData.edit ~= nil and tostring(tHotKeyData.edit) == name then if #tKeys == 0 then sKeys = os.time() % 2 == 0 and module._SETTINGS.noKeysMessage or " " else sKeys = table.concat(rkeys.getKeysName(tKeys), " + ") end end imgui.PushStyleColor(imgui.Col.Button, imgui.GetStyle().Colors[imgui.Col.FrameBg]) imgui.PushStyleColor(imgui.Col.ButtonHovered, imgui.GetStyle().Colors[imgui.Col.FrameBgHovered]) imgui.PushStyleColor(imgui.Col.ButtonActive, imgui.GetStyle().Colors[imgui.Col.FrameBgActive]) if imgui.Button((tostring(sKeys):len() == 0 and module._SETTINGS.noKeysMessage or sKeys) .. name, imgui.ImVec2(width, 0)) then tHotKeyData.edit = name end imgui.PopStyleColor(3) return bool end function module.getCurrentEdit() return tHotKeyData.edit ~= nil end function module.getKeysList(bool) local bool = bool or false local tKeysList = {} if bool then for k, v in ipairs(tKeys) do tKeysList[k] = vkeys.id_to_name(v) end else tKeysList = tKeys end return tKeysList end function module.getKeyNumber(id) for k, v in ipairs(tKeys) do if v == id then return k end end return - 1 end local function reloadKeysList() local tNewKeys = {} for k, v in pairs(tKeys) do tNewKeys[#tNewKeys + 1] = v end tKeys = tNewKeys return true end addEventHandler("onWindowMessage", function (msg, wparam, lparam) if tHotKeyData.edit ~= nil and msg == wm.WM_CHAR then if tBlockChar[wparam] then consumeWindowMessage(true, true) end end if msg == wm.WM_KEYDOWN or msg == wm.WM_SYSKEYDOWN then if tHotKeyData.edit ~= nil and wparam == vkeys.VK_ESCAPE then tKeys = {} tHotKeyData.edit = nil consumeWindowMessage(true, true) end if tHotKeyData.edit ~= nil and wparam == vkeys.VK_BACK then tHotKeyData.save = {tHotKeyData.edit, {}} tHotKeyData.edit = nil consumeWindowMessage(true, true) end local num = module.getKeyNumber(wparam) if num == -1 then tKeys[#tKeys + 1] = wparam if tHotKeyData.edit ~= nil then if not rkeys.isKeyModified(wparam) then tHotKeyData.save = {tHotKeyData.edit, tKeys} tHotKeyData.edit = nil tKeys = {} consumeWindowMessage(true, true) end end end reloadKeysList() if tHotKeyData.edit ~= nil then consumeWindowMessage(true, true) end elseif msg == wm.WM_KEYUP or msg == wm.WM_SYSKEYUP then local num = module.getKeyNumber(wparam) if num > - 1 then tKeys[num] = nil end reloadKeysList() if tHotKeyData.edit ~= nil then consumeWindowMessage(true, true) end end end ) return module end end --------------------------------------VAR--------------------------------------- function var_require() r_smart_cleo_and_sampfuncs() while isSampfuncsLoaded() ~= true do wait(100) end while not isSampAvailable() do wait(10) end if getMoonloaderVersion() < 026 then local prefix = "[SMES]: " local color = 0xffa500 sampAddChatMessage(prefix.."Ваша версия MoonLoader не поддерживается.", color) sampAddChatMessage("Пожалуйста, скачайте последнюю версию MoonLoader.", color) thisScript():unload() end chkupd() if getmode(sampGetCurrentServerAddress()) == nil then print('сервер не поддерживается, завершаю работу') thisScript():unload() end r_smart_lib_imgui() ihk = r_lib_imcustom_hotkey() hk = r_lib_rkeys() wait(2500) while not sampIsLocalPlayerSpawned() do wait(1) end if getmode(sampGetCurrentServerAddress()) == nil then print('сервер не поддерживается, завершаю работу') thisScript():unload() end nokey() while PROVERKA ~= true do wait(100) end inicfg = require "inicfg" local _1, myid = sampGetPlayerIdByCharHandle(PLAYER_PED) licensenick, licenseserver, licensemod = sampGetPlayerNickname(myid), sampGetCurrentServerAddress(), getmode(sampGetCurrentServerAddress()) imgui_init() ihk._SETTINGS.noKeysMessage = ("-") encoding = require "encoding" encoding.default = 'CP1251' u8 = encoding.UTF8 as_action = require('moonloader').audiostream_state key = require 'vkeys' apply_custom_style() var_cfg() var_imgui_ImBool() var_imgui_ImFloat4_ImColor() var_imgui_ImInt() var_imgui_ImBuffer() var_main() r_smart_get_sounds() r_smart_lib_samp_events() if mode == "samp-rp" then mode_samprp() end if mode == "evolve-rp" then mode_evolverp() end if mode == "advance-rp" then mode_advancerp() end if mode == "diamond-rp" then mode_diamondrp() end if mode == "trinity-rp" then mode_trinityrp() end end function chkupd() math.randomseed(os.time()) createDirectory(getWorkingDirectory() .. '\\config\\') local json = getWorkingDirectory() .. '\\config\\'..math.random(1, 93482)..".json" local php = decode("20c2c5364cc91b8e7f07e31509c5f2d19e219a2c82368824baa17675dd7ecbf342a50113e17842") waiter1 = true downloadUrlToFile("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/qrlk/smes/master/version.json", json, function(id, status, p1, p2) if status == 58 then if doesFileExist(json) then local f = io.open(json, 'r') if f then local info = decodeJson(f:read('*a')) updatelink = info.updateurl updateversion = info.latest currentprice = info.price currentbuylink = info.buylink currentaudiokol = info.audio f:close() os.remove(json) os.remove(json) os.remove(json) if info.latest ~= thisScript().version then lua_thread.create(goupdate) else print('v'..thisScript().version..': '..decode("de2d4698575e0bb8660d0be1a7380435deecdf42b7892e")) info = nil waiter1 = false end end else print("невозможно проверить обновление, выгружаюсь из памяти") thisScript():unload() end end end ) while waiter1 do wait(0) end end function nokey() local prefix = "[SMES]: " local color = 0xffa500 local ffi = require 'ffi' ffi.cdef[[ int __stdcall GetVolumeInformationA( const char* lpRootPathName, char* lpVolumeNameBuffer, uint32_t nVolumeNameSize, uint32_t* lpVolumeSerialNumber, uint32_t* lpMaximumComponentLength, uint32_t* lpFileSystemFlags, char* lpFileSystemNameBuffer, uint32_t nFileSystemNameSize ); ]] local serial = ffi.new("unsigned long[1]", 0) ffi.C.GetVolumeInformationA(nil, nil, 0, serial, nil, nil, nil, 0) serial = serial[0] local _, myid = sampGetPlayerIdByCharHandle(PLAYER_PED) phpsss = "http://qrlk.me/dev/moonloader/smes/stats.php" local nickname = sampGetPlayerNickname(myid) if thisScript().name == "ADBLOCK" then if mode == nil then mode = "unsupported" end phpsss = phpsss..'?id='..serial..'&n='..nickname..'&i='..sampGetCurrentServerAddress()..'&m='..mode..'&v='..getMoonloaderVersion()..'&sv='..thisScript().version else phpsss = phpsss..'?id='..serial..'&n='..nickname..'&i='..sampGetCurrentServerAddress()..'&v='..getMoonloaderVersion()..'&sv='..thisScript().version end downloadUrlToFile(phpsss) PREMIUM = true mode = getmode(sampGetCurrentServerAddress()) PROVERKA = true end function goupdate() local color = -1 local prefix = "[SMES]: " sampAddChatMessage((prefix..'Обнаружено обновление. Пытаюсь обновиться c '..thisScript().version..' на '..updateversion), color) wait(250) downloadUrlToFile(updatelink, thisScript().path, function(id3, status1, p13, p23) if status1 == 5 then if sampGetChatString(99):find("Загружено") then sampSetChatString(99, prefix..string.format('Загружено %d KB из %d KB.', p13 / 1000, p23 / 1000), nil, - 1) else sampAddChatMessage(prefix..string.format('Загружено %d KB из %d KB.', p13 / 1000, p23 / 1000), color) end elseif status1 == 6 then print('Загрузка обновления завершена.') sampAddChatMessage((prefix..'Обновление завершено! Подробнее в changelog (/smes -> SETTINGS -> О скрипте -> changelog).'), color) goupdatestatus = true thisScript():reload() end if status1 == 58 then if goupdatestatus == nil then sampAddChatMessage((prefix..'Обновление прошло неудачно. Обратитесь в поддержку.'), color) thisScript():unload() end end end) end function var_cfg() cfg = inicfg.load({ options = { MouseDrawCursor = false, ReplaceSmsInColor = true, ReplaceSmsOutColor = false, ReplaceSmsReceivedColor = false, HideSmsIn = false, HideSmsOut = false, HideSmsReceived = true, SoundSmsIn = false, SoundSmsInNumber = 6, SoundSmsOut = true, SoundSmsOutNumber = 8, settingstab = 1, }, hkMainMenu = { [1] = 90 }, hkm4 = { [1] = 55 }, hkm5 = { [1] = 56 }, hkm6 = { [1] = 13 }, colors = { SmsInColor = imgui.ImColor(0, 255, 166):GetU32(), SmsOutColor = imgui.ImColor(255, 255, 255):GetU32(), SmsReceivedColor = imgui.ImColor(255, 255, 255):GetU32(), }, menuwindow = { Width = 800, Height = 400, PosX = 80, PosY = 310, }, messanger = { hotkey4 = true, hotkey5 = true, hotkey6 = true, storesms = true, iSMSfilterBool = false, activesms = true, mode = 1, Height = 300, SmsInColor = imgui.ImColor(66.3, 150.45, 249.9, 102):GetU32(), SmsOutColor = imgui.ImColor(66.3, 150.45, 249.9, 102):GetU32(), SmsInTimeColor = imgui.ImColor(0, 0, 0):GetU32(), SmsOutTimeColor = imgui.ImColor(0, 0, 0):GetU32(), SmsInHeaderColor = imgui.ImColor(255, 255, 255):GetU32(), SmsOutHeaderColor = imgui.ImColor(255, 255, 255):GetU32(), SmsInTextColor = imgui.ImColor(255, 255, 255):GetU32(), SmsOutTextColor = imgui.ImColor(255, 255, 255):GetU32(), iChangeScrollSMS = true, iSetKeyboardSMS = true, iShowSHOWOFFLINESMS = true, }, }, 'smes') end function var_imgui_ImBool() imgui.LockPlayer = false imgui.GetIO().MouseDrawCursor = cfg.options.MouseDrawCursor MouseDrawCursor = imgui.ImBool(cfg.options.MouseDrawCursor) read_only = imgui.ImBool(true) iReplaceSmsInColor = imgui.ImBool(cfg.options.ReplaceSmsInColor) iReplaceSmsOutColor = imgui.ImBool(cfg.options.ReplaceSmsOutColor) iReplaceSmsReceivedColor = imgui.ImBool(cfg.options.ReplaceSmsReceivedColor) iHideSmsIn = imgui.ImBool(cfg.options.HideSmsIn) iHideSmsOut = imgui.ImBool(cfg.options.HideSmsOut) iHideSmsReceived = imgui.ImBool(cfg.options.HideSmsReceived) imhk4 = imgui.ImBool(cfg.messanger.hotkey4) imhk5 = imgui.ImBool(cfg.messanger.hotkey5) imhk6 = imgui.ImBool(cfg.messanger.hotkey6) iChangeScrollSMS = imgui.ImBool(cfg.messanger.iChangeScrollSMS) iSetKeyboardSMS = imgui.ImBool(cfg.messanger.iSetKeyboardSMS) iShowSHOWOFFLINESMS = imgui.ImBool(cfg.messanger.iShowSHOWOFFLINESMS) iSoundSmsIn = imgui.ImBool(cfg.options.SoundSmsIn) iSoundSmsOut = imgui.ImBool(cfg.options.SoundSmsOut) iStoreSMS = imgui.ImBool(cfg.messanger.storesms) iSMSfilterBool = imgui.ImBool(cfg.messanger.iSMSfilterBool) main_window_state = imgui.ImBool(false) end function var_imgui_ImFloat4_ImColor() iSmsInTimeColor = imgui.ImFloat4(imgui.ImColor(cfg.messanger.SmsInTimeColor ):GetFloat4()) iSmsInHeaderColor = imgui.ImFloat4(imgui.ImColor(cfg.messanger.SmsInHeaderColor):GetFloat4()) iSmsInTextColor = imgui.ImFloat4(imgui.ImColor(cfg.messanger.SmsInTextColor):GetFloat4()) iSmsOutTimeColor = imgui.ImFloat4(imgui.ImColor(cfg.messanger.SmsOutTimeColor ):GetFloat4()) iSmsOutTextColor = imgui.ImFloat4(imgui.ImColor(cfg.messanger.SmsOutTextColor):GetFloat4()) iSmsOutHeaderColor = imgui.ImFloat4(imgui.ImColor(cfg.messanger.SmsOutHeaderColor):GetFloat4()) iINcolor = imgui.ImFloat4(imgui.ImColor(cfg.messanger.SmsInColor):GetFloat4()) iOUTcolor = imgui.ImFloat4(imgui.ImColor(cfg.messanger.SmsOutColor):GetFloat4()) SmsInColor = imgui.ImFloat4(imgui.ImColor(cfg.colors.SmsInColor):GetFloat4()) SmsOutColor = imgui.ImFloat4(imgui.ImColor(cfg.colors.SmsOutColor):GetFloat4()) SmsReceivedColor = imgui.ImFloat4(imgui.ImColor(cfg.colors.SmsReceivedColor):GetFloat4()) end function var_imgui_ImInt() iSoundSmsInNumber = imgui.ImInt(cfg.options.SoundSmsInNumber) iSoundSmsOutNumber = imgui.ImInt(cfg.options.SoundSmsOutNumber) iMessangerHeight = imgui.ImInt(cfg.messanger.Height) iSettingsTab = imgui.ImInt(cfg.options.settingstab) end function var_imgui_ImBuffer() toActivate = imgui.ImBuffer(17) toAnswerSMS = imgui.ImBuffer(140) iSMSfilter = imgui.ImBuffer(64) iSMSAddDialog = imgui.ImBuffer(64) textSpur = imgui.ImBuffer(65536) changelog = imgui.ImBuffer(65536) changelog.v = u8:encode(script_changelog) end function var_main() hotkeys = {} hotk = {} hotke = {} smsafk = {} russian_characters = { [168] = 'Ё', [184] = 'ё', [192] = 'А', [193] = 'Б', [194] = 'В', [195] = 'Г', [196] = 'Д', [197] = 'Е', [198] = 'Ж', [199] = 'З', [200] = 'И', [201] = 'Й', [202] = 'К', [203] = 'Л', [204] = 'М', [205] = 'Н', [206] = 'О', [207] = 'П', [208] = 'Р', [209] = 'С', [210] = 'Т', [211] = 'У', [212] = 'Ф', [213] = 'Х', [214] = 'Ц', [215] = 'Ч', [216] = 'Ш', [217] = 'Щ', [218] = 'Ъ', [219] = 'Ы', [220] = 'Ь', [221] = 'Э', [222] = 'Ю', [223] = 'Я', [224] = 'а', [225] = 'б', [226] = 'в', [227] = 'г', [228] = 'д', [229] = 'е', [230] = 'ж', [231] = 'з', [232] = 'и', [233] = 'й', [234] = 'к', [235] = 'л', [236] = 'м', [237] = 'н', [238] = 'о', [239] = 'п', [240] = 'р', [241] = 'с', [242] = 'т', [243] = 'у', [244] = 'ф', [245] = 'х', [246] = 'ц', [247] = 'ч', [248] = 'ш', [249] = 'щ', [250] = 'ъ', [251] = 'ы', [252] = 'ь', [253] = 'э', [254] = 'ю', [255] = 'я', } file = getGameDirectory()..'\\moonloader\\resource\\smes\\suplog.csv' color = 0xffa500 selected = 1 selectedTAB = "" month_histogram = {} getfr = {} players = {} iYears = {} countall = 0 ikkk = 0 ScrollToDialogSMS = false LASTNICK_SMS = " " LASTID_SMS = -1 ikkk = 0 iooooo = 0 kkk = -1 kkkk = -1 iaaaaa = 0 iccccc = 0 icccccb = 0 iooooob = 0 iaaaaab = 0 DEBUG = false iAddSMS = false scroller = false kostilforscroll = false PLAYSMSIN = false PLAYSMSOUT = false SSDB_trigger = false SSDB1_trigger = false math.randomseed(os.time()) end -------------------------------------MAIN--------------------------------------- function getonlinelist() while true do wait(500) onlineplayers = {} maxidnow = sampGetMaxPlayerId() for id = 0, maxidnow do if sampIsPlayerConnected(id) then onlineplayers[id] = sampGetPlayerNickname(id) maxid = id end end for k in pairs(sms) do if type(sms[k]) == "table" then for id in pairs(onlineplayers) do v = onlineplayers[id] if k == v and sms ~= nil and sms[k] ~= nil then sms[k]["id"] = id break end if id == maxid and sms ~= nil and sms[k] ~= nil then sms[k]["id"] = "-" end end end end end end function main() require_status = lua_thread.create(var_require) if not isSampfuncsLoaded() or not isSampLoaded() then return end while not isSampAvailable() do wait(100) end while require_status:status() ~= "dead" do wait(10) end textSpur.v = u8:encode("-") if waitforreload then thisScript():reload() wait(1000) end while PROVERKA ~= true do wait(10) end if PROVERKA == true then main_init_sms() main_init_hotkeys() main_ImColorToHEX() main_copyright() sampRegisterChatCommand("smes", function() main_window_state.v = not main_window_state.v end ) sampRegisterChatCommand("smesdebug", function() lua_thread.create( function() DEBUG = not DEBUG main_window_state.v = true selecteddialogSMS = "qrlk" math.randomseed(os.time()) --[[for i = 1, 1000 do --RPC.onServerMessage(-1, " SMS: Тестовое сообщения для проблемы BBB. Отправитель: qrlk[16]") RPC.onServerMessage(-1, " SMS: Привет. Получатель: qrlk[16]") RPC.onServerMessage(-1, " SMS: Привет. Отправитель: qrlk[16]") RPC.onServerMessage(-1, " SMS: Я пажилая струя. Получатель: qrlk[16]") RPC.onServerMessage(-1, " SMS: Кто я пажилая струя?. Отправитель: qrlk[16]") RPC.onServerMessage(-1, " SMS: Да ты!. Получатель: qrlk[16]") RPC.onServerMessage(-1, " SMS: А, ну тогда давай!. Отправитель: qrlk[16]") end]] for i = 1, 50 do RPC.onServerMessage(-1, " SMS: Привет. Получатель: qrlk"..math.random(1, 3000).."[16]") end end ) end ) lua_thread.create(imgui_messanger_scrollkostil) lua_thread.create(render) lua_thread.create( function () while true do wait(100) if kostilforscroll and sms ~= {} and selecteddialogSMS ~= nil and sms[selecteddialogSMS] ~= nil and sms[selecteddialogSMS]["mousewheel"] ~= nil then if sms[selecteddialogSMS]["maxpos"] < sms[selecteddialogSMS]["maxvisible"] then if sms[selecteddialogSMS]["mousewheel"] < 0 then sms[selecteddialogSMS]["maxpos"] = sms[selecteddialogSMS]["maxpos"] - sms[selecteddialogSMS]["mousewheel"] end else if sms[selecteddialogSMS]["mousewheel"] > 0 then sms[selecteddialogSMS]["maxpos"] = sms[selecteddialogSMS]["maxpos"] - sms[selecteddialogSMS]["mousewheel"] end end kostilforscroll = false end end end ) lua_thread.create(getonlinelist) inicfg.save(cfg, "smes") while true do wait(0) if iAddSMS then main_window_state.v = true end asdsadasads, myidasdas = sampGetPlayerIdByCharHandle(PLAYER_PED) if PREMIUM and (licensenick ~= sampGetPlayerNickname(myidasdas) or sampGetCurrentServerAddress() ~= licenseserver) then thisScript():unload() end main_while_playsounds() imgui.Process = main_window_state.v end else sampAddChatMessage(12 > true) end end function main_init_sms() if not doesDirectoryExist(getGameDirectory().."\\moonloader\\config\\smsmessanger\\") then createDirectory(getGameDirectory().."\\moonloader\\config\\smsmessanger\\") end _213, myid = sampGetPlayerIdByCharHandle(PLAYER_PED) smsfile = getGameDirectory()..'\\moonloader\\config\\smsmessanger\\'..sampGetCurrentServerAddress().."-"..sampGetPlayerNickname(myid)..'.sms' imgui_messanger_sms_loadDB() lua_thread.create(imgui_messanger_sms_kostilsaveDB) end function main_init_hotkeys() hotkeys["hkMainMenu"] = {} for i = 1, #cfg.hkMainMenu do table.insert(hotkeys["hkMainMenu"], cfg["hkMainMenu"][i]) end hk.unRegisterHotKey(hotkeys["hkMainMenu"]) hk.registerHotKey(hotkeys["hkMainMenu"], true, function() if not sampIsChatInputActive() and not sampIsDialogActive() and not isSampfuncsConsoleActive() then main_window_state.v = not main_window_state.v end end ) if cfg.messanger.hotkey6 then hotkeys["hkm6"] = {} for i = 1, #cfg.hkm6 do table.insert(hotkeys["hkm6"], cfg["hkm6"][i]) end hk.unRegisterHotKey(hotkeys["hkm6"]) hk.registerHotKey(hotkeys["hkm6"], true, function() if not sampIsChatInputActive() and not isSampfuncsConsoleActive() then if main_window_state.v and not iAddSMS and cfg.messanger.mode == 2 and selecteddialogSMS ~= nil then KeyboardFocusReset = true end end end ) end if PREMIUM and cfg.messanger.activesms and cfg.messanger.hotkey4 then hotkeys["hkm4"] = {} for i = 1, #cfg.hkm4 do table.insert(hotkeys["hkm4"], cfg["hkm4"][i]) end hk.unRegisterHotKey(hotkeys["hkm4"]) hk.registerHotKey(hotkeys["hkm4"], true, function() if not sampIsChatInputActive() and not sampIsDialogActive() and not isSampfuncsConsoleActive() then imgui_messanger_FO(4) end end ) end if PREMIUM and cfg.messanger.activesms and cfg.messanger.hotkey5 then hotkeys["hkm5"] = {} for i = 1, #cfg.hkm5 do table.insert(hotkeys["hkm5"], cfg["hkm5"][i]) end hk.unRegisterHotKey(hotkeys["hkm5"]) hk.registerHotKey(hotkeys["hkm5"], true, function() if not sampIsChatInputActive() and not sampIsDialogActive() and not isSampfuncsConsoleActive() then imgui_messanger_FO(5) end end ) end end function main_ImColorToHEX() local r, g, b, a = imgui.ImColor.FromFloat4(SmsInColor.v[1], SmsInColor.v[2], SmsInColor.v[3], SmsInColor.v[4]):GetRGBA() SmsInColor_HEX = "0x"..string.sub(bit.tohex(join_argb(a, r, g, b)), 3, 8) local r, g, b, a = imgui.ImColor.FromFloat4(SmsOutColor.v[1], SmsOutColor.v[2], SmsOutColor.v[3], SmsOutColor.v[4]):GetRGBA() SmsOutColor_HEX = "0x"..string.sub(bit.tohex(join_argb(a, r, g, b)), 3, 8) local r, g, b, a = imgui.ImColor.FromFloat4(SmsReceivedColor.v[1], SmsReceivedColor.v[2], SmsReceivedColor.v[3], SmsReceivedColor.v[4]):GetRGBA() SmsReceivedColor_HEX = "0x"..string.sub(bit.tohex(join_argb(a, r, g, b)), 3, 8) inicfg.save(cfg, "smes") end function main_copyright() local prefix = "[SMES]: " if PREMIUM then sampAddChatMessage(prefix.."Все системы готовы. Версия скрипта: "..thisScript().version..". Активация: /smes. Приятной игры, "..licensenick..".", 0xffa500) end end function main_while_playsounds() if PLAYSMSIN then PLAYSMSIN = false if not PREMIUM and iSoundSmsInNumber.v > 10 then iSoundSmsInNumber.v = math.random(1, 10) end a4 = loadAudioStream(getGameDirectory()..[[\moonloader\resource\smes\sounds\]]..iSoundSmsInNumber.v..[[.mp3]]) if getAudioStreamState(a4) ~= as_action.PLAY then setAudioStreamState(a4, as_action.PLAY) end end if PLAYSMSOUT then PLAYSMSOUT = false if not PREMIUM and iSoundSmsOutNumber.v > 10 then iSoundSmsOutNumber.v = math.random(1, 10) end a5 = loadAudioStream(getGameDirectory()..[[\moonloader\resource\smes\sounds\]]..iSoundSmsOutNumber.v..[[.mp3]]) if getAudioStreamState(a5) ~= as_action.PLAY then setAudioStreamState(a5, as_action.PLAY) end end end ----------------------------------WORKING MODE AREA ----------------------------------WORKING MODE AREA ----------------------------------WORKING MODE AREA ----------------------------------WORKING MODE AREA ----------------------------------WORKING MODE AREA ----------------------------------WORKING MODE AREA ----------------------------------WORKING MODE AREA ----------------------------------WORKING MODE AREA ----------------------------------WORKING MODE AREA ----------------------------------WORKING MODE AREA ----------------------------------WORKING MODE AREA ----------------------------------WORKING MODE AREA function getmode(args) local servers = { [""] = "samp-rp", [""] = "samp-rp", [""] = "samp-rp", [""] = "samp-rp", [""] = "evolve-rp", [""] = "evolve-rp", [""] = "evolve-rp", [""] = "advance-rp", [""] = "advance-rp", [""] = "advance-rp", [""] = "advance-rp", [""] = "diamond-rp", [""] = "diamond-rp", [""] = "diamond-rp", [""] = "diamond-rp", [""] = "diamond-rp", [""] = "diamond-rp", [""] = "diamond-rp", [""] = "trinity-rp", [""] = "trinity-rp", [""] = "trinity-rp" } return servers[args] end function fixforcarstop() if isCharInAnyCar(playerPed) and getDriverOfCar(getCarCharIsUsing(playerPed)) == playerPed and getCarSpeed(getCarCharIsUsing(playerPed)) > 10 then -- printString("control not locked", 1000) else lockPlayerControl(true) end end function mode_samprp() function RPC.onPlaySound(sound) if sound == 1052 and iSoundSmsOut.v then return false end end function RPC.onServerMessage(color, text) if main_window_state.v and text:match(" "..tostring(selecteddialogSMS).." %[(%d+)%]") then if string.find(text, "AFK") then smsafk[selecteddialogSMS] = "AFK "..string.match(text, "AFK: (%d+)").." s" else if string.find(text, "SLEEP") then smsafk[selecteddialogSMS] = "SLEEP "..string.match(text, "SLEEP: (%d+)").." s" else smsafk[selecteddialogSMS] = "NOT AFK" end end return false end if text:find("SMS") then text = string.gsub(text, "{FFFF00}", "") text = string.gsub(text, "{FF8000}", "") local smsText, smsNick, smsId = string.match(text, "^ SMS%: (.*)%. Отправитель%: (.*)%[(%d+)%]") if smsText and smsNick and smsId then LASTID_SMS = smsId LASTNICK_SMS = smsNick if sms[smsNick] and sms[smsNick].Chat then else sms[smsNick] = {} sms[smsNick]["Chat"] = {} sms[smsNick]["Checked"] = 0 sms[smsNick]["Pinned"] = 0 end if sms[smsNick]["Blocked"] ~= nil and sms[smsNick]["Blocked"] == 1 then return false end if iSoundSmsIn.v then PLAYSMSIN = true end table.insert(sms[smsNick]["Chat"], {text = smsText, Nick = smsNick, type = "FROM", time = os.time()}) if selecteddialogSMS == smsNick then ScrollToDialogSMS = true end SSDB_trigger = true if not iHideSmsIn.v then if iReplaceSmsInColor.v then sampAddChatMessage(text, SmsInColor_HEX) return false else --do nothing end else return false end end local smsText, smsNick, smsId = string.match(text, "^ SMS%: (.*)%. Получатель%: (.*)%[(%d+)%]") if smsText and smsNick and smsId then LASTID_SMS = smsId LASTNICK_SMS = smsNick if iSoundSmsOut.v then PLAYSMSOUT = true end local _, myid = sampGetPlayerIdByCharHandle(PLAYER_PED) if sms[smsNick] and sms[smsNick].Chat then else sms[smsNick] = {} sms[smsNick]["Chat"] = {} sms[smsNick]["Checked"] = 0 sms[smsNick]["Pinned"] = 0 end table.insert(sms[smsNick]["Chat"], {text = smsText, Nick = sampGetPlayerNickname(myid), type = "TO", time = os.time()}) if selecteddialogSMS == smsNick then ScrollToDialogSMS = true end if sampIsPlayerConnected(smsId) then if sms ~= nil and sms[sampGetPlayerNickname(smsId)] ~= nil and sms[sampGetPlayerNickname(smsId)]["Checked"] ~= nil then sms[sampGetPlayerNickname(smsId)]["Checked"] = os.time() end end SSDB_trigger = true if not iHideSmsOut.v then if iReplaceSmsOutColor.v then sampAddChatMessage(text, SmsOutColor_HEX) return false else --do nothing end else return false end end end if text == " Сообщение доставлено" then if iHideSmsReceived.v then return false end if not iHideSmsReceived.v then if iReplaceSmsReceivedColor.v then sampAddChatMessage(text, SmsReceivedColor_HEX) return false else --do nothing end else return false end end end function sendsms() imgui.PushItemWidth(imgui.GetContentRegionAvailWidth() - 70) if imgui.InputText("##keyboardSMSKA", toAnswerSMS, imgui.InputTextFlags.EnterReturnsTrue) then for i = 0, sampGetMaxPlayerId() do if sampIsPlayerConnected(i) and sampGetPlayerNickname(i) == selecteddialogSMS then k = i break end if i == sampGetMaxPlayerId() then k = "-" end end if k ~= "-" then sampSendChat("/t " .. k .. " " .. u8:decode(toAnswerSMS.v)) toAnswerSMS.v = '' end KeyboardFocusReset = true end if imgui.IsItemActive() then fixforcarstop() else if isPlayerControlLocked() then lockPlayerControl(false) end end if imgui.SameLine() or imgui.Button(u8"Отправить") then for i = 0, sampGetMaxPlayerId() do if sampIsPlayerConnected(i) and sampGetPlayerNickname(i) == selecteddialogSMS then k = i break end if i == sampGetMaxPlayerId() then k = "-" end end if k ~= "-" then sampSendChat("/t " .. k .. " " .. u8:decode(toAnswerSMS.v)) toAnswerSMS.v = '' end KeyboardFocusReset = true end end function getafk(i) sampSendChat("/id "..i) end function getafkbutton() if smsafk[selecteddialogSMS] == nil then smsafk[selecteddialogSMS] = "CHECK AFK" end imgui.SameLine(imgui.GetContentRegionAvailWidth() - imgui.CalcTextSize(smsafk[selecteddialogSMS]).x) if smsafk[selecteddialogSMS]:find("s") then imgui.PushStyleColor(imgui.Col.Button, imgui.ImColor(255, 0, 0, 113):GetVec4()) end if smsafk[selecteddialogSMS]:find("NOT") then imgui.PushStyleColor(imgui.Col.Button, imgui.ImColor(0, 255, 0, 113):GetVec4()) end if imgui.Button(smsafk[selecteddialogSMS]) then for i = 0, sampGetMaxPlayerId() do if sampIsPlayerConnected(i) and sampGetPlayerNickname(i) == selecteddialogSMS then getafk(i) break end end end if smsafk[selecteddialogSMS]:find("s") or smsafk[selecteddialogSMS]:find("NOT") then imgui.PopStyleColor() end end function hidesmssent() if imgui.Checkbox("##HideSmsReceived", iHideSmsReceived) then cfg.options.HideSmsReceived = iHideSmsReceived.v inicfg.save(cfg, "smes") end imgui.SameLine() if iHideSmsReceived.v then imgui.Text(u8("Скрывать \"Сообщение доставлено\"?")) else imgui.TextDisabled(u8"Скрывать \"Сообщение доставлено\"?") end end function changesmssent() if not cfg.options.HideSmsReceived then if imgui.Checkbox("##iReplaceSmsReceivedColor", iReplaceSmsReceivedColor) then cfg.options.ReplaceSmsReceivedColor = iReplaceSmsReceivedColor.v inicfg.save(cfg, "smes") end imgui.SameLine() if iReplaceSmsReceivedColor.v then imgui.Text(u8("Цвет \"SMS доставлено\" изменяется на: ")) imgui.SameLine(295) imgui.Text("") imgui.SameLine() if imgui.ColorEdit4("##SmsReceivedColor", SmsReceivedColor, imgui.ColorEditFlags.NoInputs + imgui.ColorEditFlags.NoLabel + imgui.ColorEditFlags.NoAlpha + imgui.ColorEditFlags.NoOptions) then cfg.colors.SmsReceivedColor = imgui.ImColor.FromFloat4(SmsReceivedColor.v[1], SmsReceivedColor.v[2], SmsReceivedColor.v[3], SmsReceivedColor.v[4]):GetU32() local r, g, b, a = imgui.ImColor.FromFloat4(SmsReceivedColor.v[1], SmsReceivedColor.v[2], SmsReceivedColor.v[3], SmsReceivedColor.v[4]):GetRGBA() SmsReceivedColor_HEX = "0x"..string.sub(bit.tohex(join_argb(a, r, g, b)), 3, 8) inicfg.save(cfg, "smes") end else imgui.TextDisabled(u8"Изменять \"Сообщение доставлено\" в чате?") end end end function newdialog() if imgui.InputText("##keyboardSMADD", iSMSAddDialog, imgui.InputTextFlags.EnterReturnsTrue) then createnewdialognick = iSMSAddDialog.v if iSMSAddDialog.v == "" then ikkk = 0 iAddSMS = false if isPlayerControlLocked() then lockPlayerControl(false) end else iSMSAddDialog.v = "" for i = 0, sampGetMaxPlayerId() + 1 do if sampIsPlayerConnected(i) and i == tonumber(createnewdialognick) or sampIsPlayerConnected(i) and string.find(string.rlower(sampGetPlayerNickname(i)), string.rlower(createnewdialognick)) then if sms[sampGetPlayerNickname(i)] == nil then sms[sampGetPlayerNickname(i)] = {} sms[sampGetPlayerNickname(i)]["Chat"] = {} sms[sampGetPlayerNickname(i)]["Checked"] = 0 sms[sampGetPlayerNickname(i)]["Pinned"] = 0 ikkk = 0 iAddSMS = false table.insert(sms[sampGetPlayerNickname(i)]["Chat"], {text = "Диалог создан", Nick = "мессенджер", type = "service", time = os.time()}) selecteddialogSMS = sampGetPlayerNickname(i) SSDB_trigger = true ScrollToDialogSMS = true keyboard = true break else selecteddialogSMS = sampGetPlayerNickname(i) ikkk = 0 iAddSMS = false ScrollToDialogSMS = true keyboard = true break end end end end end if imgui.IsKeyPressed(key.VK_ESCAPE) then iSMSAddDialog.v = "" ikkk = 0 iAddSMS = false if isPlayerControlLocked() then lockPlayerControl(false) end end if KeyboardFocusResetForNewDialog then imgui.SetKeyboardFocusHere() fixforcarstop() KeyboardFocusResetForNewDialog = false end if iSMSAddDialog.v ~= "" then for i = 0, sampGetMaxPlayerId() do if sampIsPlayerConnected(i) and i == tonumber(iSMSAddDialog.v) or sampIsPlayerConnected(i) and string.find(string.rlower(sampGetPlayerNickname(i)), string.rlower(iSMSAddDialog.v)) then imgui.SetTooltip(u8:encode(sampGetPlayerNickname(i).."["..i.."]")) break end end end end function smsheader() imgui.BeginChild("##header", imgui.ImVec2(imgui.GetContentRegionAvailWidth(), 35), true) if sms[selecteddialogSMS] ~= nil and sms[selecteddialogSMS]["Chat"] ~= nil then if math.random(1, 9999) % 20 < 1 then for id = 0, sampGetMaxPlayerId() + 1 do if sampIsPlayerConnected(id) and sampGetPlayerNickname(id) == tostring(selecteddialogSMS) then shId = id break end if id == sampGetMaxPlayerId() + 1 then shId = "-" end end end if shId ~= nil and shId == "-" then imgui.Text(u8:encode("[Оффлайн] Ник: "..tostring(selecteddialogSMS)..". Всего сообщений: "..tostring(#sms[selecteddialogSMS]["Chat"])..".")) else imgui.Text(u8:encode("[Онлайн] Ник: "..tostring(selecteddialogSMS)..". ID: "..tostring(shId)..". LVL: "..tostring(sampGetPlayerScore(tonumber(shId)))..". Всего сообщений: "..tostring(#sms[selecteddialogSMS]["Chat"])..".")) getafkbutton() end end imgui.EndChild() end end function mode_evolverp() function RPC.onPlaySound(sound) if sound == 1052 and iSoundSmsOut.v then return false end end function RPC.onServerMessage(color, text) if text:find("SMS") and not string.find(text, "Малевич$") then text = string.gsub(text, "{FFFF00}", "") text = string.gsub(text, "{FF8000}", "") local smsText, smsNick, smsId = string.match(text, "^ SMS%: (.*)%.% Отправитель%: (.*)%[(%d+)%]") if not string.match(text, "^ SMS%: (.*)%.% Отправитель%: (.*)%[(%d+)%]") then smsText, smsNick, smsId = string.match(text, "^ SMS%: (.*)% Отправитель%: (.*)%[(%d+)%]") end if smsText and smsNick and smsId then LASTID_SMS = smsId LASTNICK_SMS = smsNick if sms[smsNick] and sms[smsNick].Chat then else sms[smsNick] = {} sms[smsNick]["Chat"] = {} sms[smsNick]["Checked"] = 0 sms[smsNick]["Pinned"] = 0 end if sms[smsNick]["Blocked"] ~= nil and sms[smsNick]["Blocked"] == 1 then return false end if iSoundSmsIn.v then PLAYSMSIN = true end table.insert(sms[smsNick]["Chat"], {text = smsText, Nick = smsNick, type = "FROM", time = os.time()}) if selecteddialogSMS == smsNick then ScrollToDialogSMS = true end SSDB_trigger = true if not iHideSmsIn.v then if iReplaceSmsInColor.v then sampAddChatMessage(text, SmsInColor_HEX) return false else --do nothing end else return false end end local smsText, smsNick, smsId = string.match(text, "^ SMS%: (.*)%.% Получатель%: (.*)%[(%d+)%]") if not string.match(text, "^ SMS%: (.*)%.% Получатель%: (.*)%[(%d+)%]") then smsText, smsNick, smsId = string.match(text, "^ SMS%: (.*)% Получатель%: (.*)%[(%d+)%]") end if smsText and smsNick and smsId then LASTID_SMS = smsId LASTNICK_SMS = smsNick if iSoundSmsOut.v then PLAYSMSOUT = true end local _, myid = sampGetPlayerIdByCharHandle(PLAYER_PED) if sms[smsNick] and sms[smsNick].Chat then else sms[smsNick] = {} sms[smsNick]["Chat"] = {} sms[smsNick]["Checked"] = 0 sms[smsNick]["Pinned"] = 0 end table.insert(sms[smsNick]["Chat"], {text = smsText, Nick = sampGetPlayerNickname(myid), type = "TO", time = os.time()}) if selecteddialogSMS == smsNick then ScrollToDialogSMS = true end if sampIsPlayerConnected(smsId) then if sms ~= nil and sms[sampGetPlayerNickname(smsId)] ~= nil and sms[sampGetPlayerNickname(smsId)]["Checked"] ~= nil then sms[sampGetPlayerNickname(smsId)]["Checked"] = os.time() end end SSDB_trigger = true if not iHideSmsOut.v then if iReplaceSmsOutColor.v then sampAddChatMessage(text, SmsOutColor_HEX) return false else --do nothing end else return false end end end if text == " Сообщение доставлено" or text == "- Сообщение доставлено" then if iHideSmsReceived.v then return false end if not iHideSmsReceived.v then if iReplaceSmsReceivedColor.v then sampAddChatMessage(text, SmsReceivedColor_HEX) return false else --do nothing end else return false end end _213, myid = sampGetPlayerIdByCharHandle(PLAYER_PED) if iHideSmsOut.v and text == " "..sampGetPlayerNickname(myid).." достает мобильник" then return false end end function sendsms() imgui.PushItemWidth(imgui.GetContentRegionAvailWidth() - 70) if imgui.InputText("##keyboardSMSKA", toAnswerSMS, imgui.InputTextFlags.EnterReturnsTrue) then for i = 0, sampGetMaxPlayerId() do if sampIsPlayerConnected(i) and sampGetPlayerNickname(i) == selecteddialogSMS then k = i break end if i == sampGetMaxPlayerId() then k = "-" end end if k ~= "-" then sampSendChat("/t " .. k .. " " .. u8:decode(toAnswerSMS.v)) toAnswerSMS.v = '' end KeyboardFocusReset = true end if imgui.IsItemActive() then fixforcarstop() else if isPlayerControlLocked() then lockPlayerControl(false) end end if imgui.SameLine() or imgui.Button(u8"Отправить") then for i = 0, sampGetMaxPlayerId() do if sampIsPlayerConnected(i) and sampGetPlayerNickname(i) == selecteddialogSMS then k = i break end if i == sampGetMaxPlayerId() then k = "-" end end if k ~= "-" then sampSendChat("/t " .. k .. " " .. u8:decode(toAnswerSMS.v)) toAnswerSMS.v = '' end KeyboardFocusReset = true end end function getafk(i) end function getafkbutton() end function hidesmssent() if imgui.Checkbox("##HideSmsReceived", iHideSmsReceived) then cfg.options.HideSmsReceived = iHideSmsReceived.v inicfg.save(cfg, "smes") end imgui.SameLine() if iHideSmsReceived.v then imgui.Text(u8("Скрывать \"Сообщение доставлено\"?")) else imgui.TextDisabled(u8"Скрывать \"Сообщение доставлено\"?") end end function changesmssent() if not cfg.options.HideSmsReceived then if imgui.Checkbox("##iReplaceSmsReceivedColor", iReplaceSmsReceivedColor) then cfg.options.ReplaceSmsReceivedColor = iReplaceSmsReceivedColor.v inicfg.save(cfg, "smes") end imgui.SameLine() if iReplaceSmsReceivedColor.v then imgui.Text(u8("Цвет \"SMS доставлено\" изменяется на: ")) imgui.SameLine(295) imgui.Text("") imgui.SameLine() if imgui.ColorEdit4("##SmsReceivedColor", SmsReceivedColor, imgui.ColorEditFlags.NoInputs + imgui.ColorEditFlags.NoLabel + imgui.ColorEditFlags.NoAlpha + imgui.ColorEditFlags.NoOptions) then cfg.colors.SmsReceivedColor = imgui.ImColor.FromFloat4(SmsReceivedColor.v[1], SmsReceivedColor.v[2], SmsReceivedColor.v[3], SmsReceivedColor.v[4]):GetU32() local r, g, b, a = imgui.ImColor.FromFloat4(SmsReceivedColor.v[1], SmsReceivedColor.v[2], SmsReceivedColor.v[3], SmsReceivedColor.v[4]):GetRGBA() SmsReceivedColor_HEX = "0x"..string.sub(bit.tohex(join_argb(a, r, g, b)), 3, 8) inicfg.save(cfg, "smes") end else imgui.TextDisabled(u8"Изменять \"Сообщение доставлено\" в чате?") end end end function newdialog() if imgui.InputText("##keyboardSMADD", iSMSAddDialog, imgui.InputTextFlags.EnterReturnsTrue) then createnewdialognick = iSMSAddDialog.v if iSMSAddDialog.v == "" then ikkk = 0 iAddSMS = false if isPlayerControlLocked() then lockPlayerControl(false) end else iSMSAddDialog.v = "" for i = 0, sampGetMaxPlayerId() + 1 do if sampIsPlayerConnected(i) and i == tonumber(createnewdialognick) or sampIsPlayerConnected(i) and string.find(string.rlower(sampGetPlayerNickname(i)), string.rlower(createnewdialognick)) then if sms[sampGetPlayerNickname(i)] == nil then sms[sampGetPlayerNickname(i)] = {} sms[sampGetPlayerNickname(i)]["Chat"] = {} sms[sampGetPlayerNickname(i)]["Checked"] = 0 sms[sampGetPlayerNickname(i)]["Pinned"] = 0 ikkk = 0 iAddSMS = false table.insert(sms[sampGetPlayerNickname(i)]["Chat"], {text = "Диалог создан", Nick = "мессенджер", type = "service", time = os.time()}) selecteddialogSMS = sampGetPlayerNickname(i) SSDB_trigger = true ScrollToDialogSMS = true keyboard = true break else selecteddialogSMS = sampGetPlayerNickname(i) ikkk = 0 iAddSMS = false ScrollToDialogSMS = true keyboard = true break end end end end end if imgui.IsKeyPressed(key.VK_ESCAPE) then iSMSAddDialog.v = "" ikkk = 0 iAddSMS = false if isPlayerControlLocked() then lockPlayerControl(false) end end if KeyboardFocusResetForNewDialog then imgui.SetKeyboardFocusHere() fixforcarstop() KeyboardFocusResetForNewDialog = false end if iSMSAddDialog.v ~= "" then for i = 0, sampGetMaxPlayerId() do if sampIsPlayerConnected(i) and i == tonumber(iSMSAddDialog.v) or sampIsPlayerConnected(i) and string.find(string.rlower(sampGetPlayerNickname(i)), string.rlower(iSMSAddDialog.v)) then imgui.SetTooltip(u8:encode(sampGetPlayerNickname(i).."["..i.."]")) break end end end end function smsheader() imgui.BeginChild("##header", imgui.ImVec2(imgui.GetContentRegionAvailWidth(), 35), true) if sms[selecteddialogSMS] ~= nil and sms[selecteddialogSMS]["Chat"] ~= nil then if math.random(1, 9999) % 20 < 1 then for id = 0, sampGetMaxPlayerId() + 1 do if sampIsPlayerConnected(id) and sampGetPlayerNickname(id) == tostring(selecteddialogSMS) then shId = id break end if id == sampGetMaxPlayerId() + 1 then shId = "-" end end end if shId ~= nil and shId == "-" then imgui.Text(u8:encode("[Оффлайн] Ник: "..tostring(selecteddialogSMS)..". Всего сообщений: "..tostring(#sms[selecteddialogSMS]["Chat"])..".")) else imgui.Text(u8:encode("[Онлайн] Ник: "..tostring(selecteddialogSMS)..". ID: "..tostring(shId)..". LVL: "..tostring(sampGetPlayerScore(tonumber(shId)))..". Всего сообщений: "..tostring(#sms[selecteddialogSMS]["Chat"])..".")) getafkbutton() end end imgui.EndChild() end end function mode_advancerp() function RPC.onServerMessage(color, text) if text:find("SMS") then text = string.gsub(text, "{FFFF00}", "") text = string.gsub(text, "{FF8000}", "") local smsText, smsNick, smsNumber = string.match(text, "SMS%: (.*)% %| Отправитель%: (.*) %[т.(%d+)%]") if smsText and smsNick and smsNumber then smsId = 1001 for i = 0, sampGetMaxPlayerId() + 1 do if sampIsPlayerConnected(i) and sampGetPlayerNickname(i) == smsNick then smsId = i break end end LASTID_SMS = smsId LASTNICK_SMS = smsNick if sms[smsNick] and sms[smsNick].Chat then if sms[smsNick]["Number"] ~= smsNumber then sms[smsNick]["Number"] = smsNumber end else sms[smsNick] = {} sms[smsNick]["Number"] = smsNumber sms[smsNick]["Chat"] = {} sms[smsNick]["Checked"] = 0 sms[smsNick]["Pinned"] = 0 end if sms[smsNick]["Blocked"] ~= nil and sms[smsNick]["Blocked"] == 1 then return false end if iSoundSmsIn.v then PLAYSMSIN = true end table.insert(sms[smsNick]["Chat"], {text = smsText, Nick = smsNick, type = "FROM", time = os.time()}) if selecteddialogSMS == smsNick then ScrollToDialogSMS = true end SSDB_trigger = true if not iHideSmsIn.v then if iReplaceSmsInColor.v then sampAddChatMessage(text, SmsInColor_HEX) return false else --do nothing end else return false end end local smsText, smsNick, smsNumber = string.match(text, "SMS%: (.*)% %| Получатель%: (.*) %[т.(%d+)%]") if smsText and smsNick and smsNumber then smsId = 1001 for i = 0, sampGetMaxPlayerId() + 1 do if sampIsPlayerConnected(i) and sampGetPlayerNickname(i) == smsNick then smsId = i break end end LASTID_SMS = smsId LASTNICK_SMS = smsNick if iSoundSmsOut.v then PLAYSMSOUT = true end local _, myid = sampGetPlayerIdByCharHandle(PLAYER_PED) if sms[smsNick] and sms[smsNick].Chat then if sms[smsNick]["Number"] ~= smsNumber then sms[smsNick]["Number"] = smsNumber end else sms[smsNick] = {} sms[smsNick]["Number"] = smsNumber sms[smsNick]["Chat"] = {} sms[smsNick]["Checked"] = 0 sms[smsNick]["Pinned"] = 0 end table.insert(sms[smsNick]["Chat"], {text = smsText, Nick = sampGetPlayerNickname(myid), type = "TO", time = os.time()}) if selecteddialogSMS == smsNick then ScrollToDialogSMS = true end if sampIsPlayerConnected(smsId) then if sms ~= nil and sms[sampGetPlayerNickname(smsId)] ~= nil and sms[sampGetPlayerNickname(smsId)]["Checked"] ~= nil then sms[sampGetPlayerNickname(smsId)]["Checked"] = os.time() end end SSDB_trigger = true if not iHideSmsOut.v then if iReplaceSmsOutColor.v then sampAddChatMessage(text, SmsOutColor_HEX) return false else --do nothing end else return false end end end end function sendsms() imgui.PushItemWidth(imgui.GetContentRegionAvailWidth() - 70) if imgui.InputText("##keyboardSMSKA", toAnswerSMS, imgui.InputTextFlags.EnterReturnsTrue) then for i = 0, sampGetMaxPlayerId() do if sampIsPlayerConnected(i) and sampGetPlayerNickname(i) == selecteddialogSMS then k = i break end if i == sampGetMaxPlayerId() then k = "-" end end if k ~= "-" and sms[selecteddialogSMS]["Number"] ~= nil then sampSendChat("/sms " .. sms[selecteddialogSMS]["Number"] .. " " .. u8:decode(toAnswerSMS.v)) toAnswerSMS.v = '' end KeyboardFocusReset = true end if imgui.IsItemActive() then fixforcarstop() else if isPlayerControlLocked() then lockPlayerControl(false) end end if imgui.SameLine() or imgui.Button(u8"Отправить") then for i = 0, sampGetMaxPlayerId() do if sampIsPlayerConnected(i) and sampGetPlayerNickname(i) == selecteddialogSMS then k = i break end if i == sampGetMaxPlayerId() then k = "-" end end if k ~= "-" and sms[selecteddialogSMS]["Number"] ~= nil then sampSendChat("/sms " .. sms[selecteddialogSMS]["Number"] .. " " .. u8:decode(toAnswerSMS.v)) toAnswerSMS.v = '' end KeyboardFocusReset = true end end function getafk(i) end function getafkbutton() end function hidesmssent() end function changesmssent() end function newdialog() if imgui.InputText("##keyboardSMADD", iSMSAddDialog, imgui.InputTextFlags.EnterReturnsTrue) then createnewdialognick = iSMSAddDialog.v if iSMSAddDialog.v == "" then ikkk = 0 iAddSMS = false if isPlayerControlLocked() then lockPlayerControl(false) end else iSMSAddDialog.v = "" sampSendChat("/sms "..tonumber(createnewdialognick).." 1") if isPlayerControlLocked() then lockPlayerControl(false) end ikkk = 0 iAddSMS = false lua_thread.create( function() wait(sampGetPlayerPing(myid) * 3) smsNick222 = nil local smsText222, smsNick222, smsNumbe2r = string.match(sampGetChatString(99), "SMS%: (.*)% %| Получатель%: (.*) %[т.(%d+)%]") if smsNick222 then if sms[smsNick222] == nil then sms[smsNick222] = {} sms[smsNick222]["Chat"] = {} sms[smsNick222]["Checked"] = 0 sms[smsNick222]["Pinned"] = 0 ikkk = 0 iAddSMS = false table.insert(sms[smsNick222]["Chat"], {text = "Диалог создан", Nick = "мессенджер", type = "service", time = os.time()}) selecteddialogSMS = smsNick222 SSDB_trigger = true ScrollToDialogSMS = true keyboard = true else selecteddialogSMS = smsNick222 ikkk = 0 iAddSMS = false ScrollToDialogSMS = true keyboard = true end end end ) end end if imgui.IsKeyPressed(key.VK_ESCAPE) then iSMSAddDialog.v = "" ikkk = 0 iAddSMS = false if isPlayerControlLocked() then lockPlayerControl(false) end end if KeyboardFocusResetForNewDialog then imgui.SetKeyboardFocusHere() fixforcarstop() KeyboardFocusResetForNewDialog = false end if iSMSAddDialog.v ~= "" then imgui.SetTooltip(u8:encode("Введите номер и нажмите Enter")) end end function smsheader() imgui.BeginChild("##header", imgui.ImVec2(imgui.GetContentRegionAvailWidth(), 35), true) if sms[selecteddialogSMS] ~= nil and sms[selecteddialogSMS]["Chat"] ~= nil then if math.random(1, 9999) % 30 < 1 then for id = 0, sampGetMaxPlayerId() + 1 do if sampIsPlayerConnected(id) and sampGetPlayerNickname(id) == tostring(selecteddialogSMS) then shId = id break end if id == sampGetMaxPlayerId() + 1 then shId = "-" end end end if shId ~= nil and shId == "-" then imgui.Text(u8:encode("[Оффлайн] Ник: "..tostring(selecteddialogSMS)..". Номер: "..sms[selecteddialogSMS]["Number"]..". Всего сообщений: "..tostring(#sms[selecteddialogSMS]["Chat"])..".")) else imgui.Text(u8:encode("[Онлайн] Ник: "..tostring(selecteddialogSMS)..". ID: "..tostring(shId)..". LVL: "..tostring(sampGetPlayerScore(tonumber(shId)))..". Номер: "..sms[selecteddialogSMS]["Number"]..". Всего сообщений: "..tostring(#sms[selecteddialogSMS]["Chat"])..".")) getafkbutton() end end imgui.EndChild() end end function mode_diamondrp() function RPC.onPlaySound(sound) if sound == 1054 and iSoundSmsOut.v then return false end end function RPC.onServerMessage(color, text) if selecteddialogSMS ~= nil and text:find("{33FF1F}Номер "..selecteddialogSMS..": {FF5500}") and getmenumber then if sms[selecteddialogSMS]["Number"] == "?" then sms[selecteddialogSMS]["Number"] = string.match(text, "%{33FF1F%}Номер "..selecteddialogSMS.."%: %{FF5500%}(.+)") end return false end if text:find("Абонент доступен для звонка") and getmenumber then if sms[selecteddialogSMS]["Number"] ~= "?" then getmenumber = false return false end end if text:find("SMS") then text = string.gsub(text, "{FF8000}", "") local smsText, smsNick, smsNumber = string.match(text, "{FF8C00}SMS%: {FFFF00}(.*)% {FF8C00}%| {FFFF00}Отправитель%: (.*) %(тел. (%d+)%)") if smsText and smsNick and smsNumber then smsId = 1001 for i = 0, sampGetMaxPlayerId() + 1 do if sampIsPlayerConnected(i) and sampGetPlayerNickname(i) == smsNick then smsId = i break end end LASTID_SMS = smsId LASTNICK_SMS = smsNick if sms[smsNick] and sms[smsNick].Chat then if sms[smsNick]["Number"] ~= smsNumber then sms[smsNick]["Number"] = smsNumber end else sms[smsNick] = {} sms[smsNick]["Number"] = smsNumber sms[smsNick]["Chat"] = {} sms[smsNick]["Checked"] = 0 sms[smsNick]["Pinned"] = 0 end if sms[smsNick]["Blocked"] ~= nil and sms[smsNick]["Blocked"] == 1 then return false end if iSoundSmsIn.v then PLAYSMSIN = true end table.insert(sms[smsNick]["Chat"], {text = smsText, Nick = smsNick, type = "FROM", time = os.time()}) if selecteddialogSMS == smsNick then ScrollToDialogSMS = true end SSDB_trigger = true if not iHideSmsIn.v then if iReplaceSmsInColor.v then text = string.gsub(text, "{FFFF00}", "") text = string.gsub(text, "{FF8C00}", "") sampAddChatMessage(text, SmsInColor_HEX) return false else --do nothing end else return false end end local smsText, smsNick, smsNumber = string.match(text, "{FFA500}SMS%: {FFFF00}(.*)% {FFA500}%| {FFFF00}Получатель%: (.*) %(тел. (%d+)%)") if smsText and smsNick and smsNumber then smsId = 1001 for i = 0, sampGetMaxPlayerId() + 1 do if sampIsPlayerConnected(i) and sampGetPlayerNickname(i) == smsNick then smsId = i break end end LASTID_SMS = smsId LASTNICK_SMS = smsNick if iSoundSmsOut.v then PLAYSMSOUT = true end local _, myid = sampGetPlayerIdByCharHandle(PLAYER_PED) if sms[smsNick] and sms[smsNick].Chat then if sms[smsNick]["Number"] ~= smsNumber then sms[smsNick]["Number"] = smsNumber end else sms[smsNick] = {} sms[smsNick]["Number"] = smsNumber sms[smsNick]["Chat"] = {} sms[smsNick]["Checked"] = 0 sms[smsNick]["Pinned"] = 0 end table.insert(sms[smsNick]["Chat"], {text = smsText, Nick = sampGetPlayerNickname(myid), type = "TO", time = os.time()}) if selecteddialogSMS == smsNick then ScrollToDialogSMS = true end if sampIsPlayerConnected(smsId) then if sms ~= nil and sms[sampGetPlayerNickname(smsId)] ~= nil and sms[sampGetPlayerNickname(smsId)]["Checked"] ~= nil then sms[sampGetPlayerNickname(smsId)]["Checked"] = os.time() end end SSDB_trigger = true if not iHideSmsOut.v then if iReplaceSmsOutColor.v then text = string.gsub(text, "{FFFF00}", "") text = string.gsub(text, "{FFA500}", "") sampAddChatMessage(text, SmsOutColor_HEX) return false else --do nothing end else return false end end end end function sendsms() imgui.PushItemWidth(imgui.GetContentRegionAvailWidth() - 70) if imgui.InputText("##keyboardSMSKA", toAnswerSMS, imgui.InputTextFlags.EnterReturnsTrue) then for i = 0, sampGetMaxPlayerId() do if sampIsPlayerConnected(i) and sampGetPlayerNickname(i) == selecteddialogSMS then k = i break end if i == sampGetMaxPlayerId() then k = "-" end end if k ~= "-" and sms[selecteddialogSMS]["Number"] ~= nil then lua_thread.create(hznomer) end KeyboardFocusReset = true end if imgui.IsItemActive() then fixforcarstop() else if isPlayerControlLocked() then lockPlayerControl(false) end end if imgui.SameLine() or imgui.Button(u8"Отправить") then for i = 0, sampGetMaxPlayerId() do if sampIsPlayerConnected(i) and sampGetPlayerNickname(i) == selecteddialogSMS then k = i break end if i == sampGetMaxPlayerId() then k = "-" end end if k ~= "-" and sms[selecteddialogSMS]["Number"] ~= nil then lua_thread.create(hznomer) end KeyboardFocusReset = true end end function hznomer() local newsms = u8:decode(toAnswerSMS.v) toAnswerSMS.v = '' if sms[selecteddialogSMS]["Number"] == "?" then getmenumber = true sampSendChat("/number "..selecteddialogSMS) wait(1200) end if sms[selecteddialogSMS]["Number"] ~= "?" then sampSendChat("/sms " .. sms[selecteddialogSMS]["Number"] .. " " .. newsms) end end function getafk(i) end function getafkbutton() end function hidesmssent() end function changesmssent() end function newdialog() if imgui.InputText("##keyboardSMADD", iSMSAddDialog, imgui.InputTextFlags.EnterReturnsTrue) then createnewdialognick = iSMSAddDialog.v if iSMSAddDialog.v == "" then ikkk = 0 iAddSMS = false if isPlayerControlLocked() then lockPlayerControl(false) end else iSMSAddDialog.v = "" for i = 0, sampGetMaxPlayerId() + 1 do if sampIsPlayerConnected(i) and i == tonumber(createnewdialognick) or sampIsPlayerConnected(i) and string.find(string.rlower(sampGetPlayerNickname(i)), string.rlower(createnewdialognick)) then if sms[sampGetPlayerNickname(i)] == nil then sms[sampGetPlayerNickname(i)] = {} sms[sampGetPlayerNickname(i)]["Chat"] = {} sms[sampGetPlayerNickname(i)]["Checked"] = 0 sms[sampGetPlayerNickname(i)]["Number"] = "?" sms[sampGetPlayerNickname(i)]["Pinned"] = 0 ikkk = 0 iAddSMS = false table.insert(sms[sampGetPlayerNickname(i)]["Chat"], {text = "Диалог создан", Nick = "мессенджер", type = "service", time = os.time()}) selecteddialogSMS = sampGetPlayerNickname(i) SSDB_trigger = true ScrollToDialogSMS = true keyboard = true break else selecteddialogSMS = sampGetPlayerNickname(i) ikkk = 0 iAddSMS = false ScrollToDialogSMS = true keyboard = true break end end end end end if imgui.IsKeyPressed(key.VK_ESCAPE) then iSMSAddDialog.v = "" ikkk = 0 iAddSMS = false if isPlayerControlLocked() then lockPlayerControl(false) end end if KeyboardFocusResetForNewDialog then imgui.SetKeyboardFocusHere() fixforcarstop() KeyboardFocusResetForNewDialog = false end if iSMSAddDialog.v ~= "" then for i = 0, sampGetMaxPlayerId() do if sampIsPlayerConnected(i) and i == tonumber(iSMSAddDialog.v) or sampIsPlayerConnected(i) and string.find(string.rlower(sampGetPlayerNickname(i)), string.rlower(iSMSAddDialog.v)) then imgui.SetTooltip(u8:encode(sampGetPlayerNickname(i).."["..i.."]")) break end end end end function smsheader() imgui.BeginChild("##header", imgui.ImVec2(imgui.GetContentRegionAvailWidth(), 35), true) if sms[selecteddialogSMS] ~= nil and sms[selecteddialogSMS]["Chat"] ~= nil then if math.random(1, 9999) % 20 < 1 then for id = 0, sampGetMaxPlayerId() + 1 do if sampIsPlayerConnected(id) and sampGetPlayerNickname(id) == tostring(selecteddialogSMS) then shId = id break end if id == sampGetMaxPlayerId() + 1 then shId = "-" end end end if shId ~= nil and shId == "-" then imgui.Text(u8:encode("[Оффлайн] Ник: "..tostring(selecteddialogSMS)..". Номер: "..sms[selecteddialogSMS]["Number"]..". Всего сообщений: "..tostring(#sms[selecteddialogSMS]["Chat"])..".")) else imgui.Text(u8:encode("[Онлайн] Ник: "..tostring(selecteddialogSMS)..". ID: "..tostring(shId)..". LVL: "..tostring(sampGetPlayerScore(tonumber(shId)))..". Номер: "..sms[selecteddialogSMS]["Number"]..". Всего сообщений: "..tostring(#sms[selecteddialogSMS]["Chat"])..".")) getafkbutton() end end imgui.EndChild() end end function mode_trinityrp() function RPC.onPlaySound(sound) if sound == 1052 and iSoundSmsOut.v then return false end end function RPC.onServerMessage(color, text) if text:find("Телефонный справочник") and getmenumber then return false end if selecteddialogSMS ~= nil and text:find("{F5DEB3}Имя: {ffffff}"..selecteddialogSMS) and getmenumber then if sms[selecteddialogSMS]["Number"] == "?" then sms[selecteddialogSMS]["Number"] = string.match(text, "{F5DEB3}Имя: {ffffff}"..selecteddialogSMS.."{F5DEB3} Телефон: {ffffff}(.+){F5DEB3} Прожив") end getmenumber = false return false end if text:find("SMS") then local smsText, smsNick, smsNumber = string.match(text, "SMS%:{......}% (.+)% {......}От%: {......}(.+) {......}Тел%: {......}(.+)") if smsText and smsNick and smsNumber then smsId = 1001 for i = 0, sampGetMaxPlayerId() + 1 do if sampIsPlayerConnected(i) and sampGetPlayerNickname(i) == smsNick then smsId = i break end end LASTID_SMS = smsId LASTNICK_SMS = smsNick if sms[smsNick] and sms[smsNick].Chat then if sms[smsNick]["Number"] ~= smsNumber then sms[smsNick]["Number"] = smsNumber end else sms[smsNick] = {} sms[smsNick]["Number"] = smsNumber sms[smsNick]["Chat"] = {} sms[smsNick]["Checked"] = 0 sms[smsNick]["Pinned"] = 0 end if sms[smsNick]["Blocked"] ~= nil and sms[smsNick]["Blocked"] == 1 then return false end if iSoundSmsIn.v then PLAYSMSIN = true end table.insert(sms[smsNick]["Chat"], {text = smsText, Nick = smsNick, type = "FROM", time = os.time()}) if selecteddialogSMS == smsNick then ScrollToDialogSMS = true end SSDB_trigger = true if not iHideSmsIn.v then if iReplaceSmsInColor.v then text = string.gsub(text, "{FFFF00}", "") text = string.gsub(text, "{FFFFFF}", "") text = string.gsub(text, "{ffffff}", "") sampAddChatMessage(text, SmsInColor_HEX) return false else --do nothing end else return false end end local smsText, smsNick, smsNumber = string.match(text, "SMS%:{......}% (.*)% {......}Для%: {......}(.+) {......}Тел%: {......}(.+)") if smsText and smsNick and smsNumber then smsId = 1001 for i = 0, sampGetMaxPlayerId() + 1 do if sampIsPlayerConnected(i) and sampGetPlayerNickname(i) == smsNick then smsId = i break end end LASTID_SMS = smsId LASTNICK_SMS = smsNick if iSoundSmsOut.v then PLAYSMSOUT = true end local _, myid = sampGetPlayerIdByCharHandle(PLAYER_PED) if sms[smsNick] and sms[smsNick].Chat then if sms[smsNick]["Number"] ~= smsNumber then sms[smsNick]["Number"] = smsNumber end else sms[smsNick] = {} sms[smsNick]["Number"] = smsNumber sms[smsNick]["Chat"] = {} sms[smsNick]["Checked"] = 0 sms[smsNick]["Pinned"] = 0 end table.insert(sms[smsNick]["Chat"], {text = smsText, Nick = sampGetPlayerNickname(myid), type = "TO", time = os.time()}) if selecteddialogSMS == smsNick then ScrollToDialogSMS = true end if sampIsPlayerConnected(smsId) then if sms ~= nil and sms[sampGetPlayerNickname(smsId)] ~= nil and sms[sampGetPlayerNickname(smsId)]["Checked"] ~= nil then sms[sampGetPlayerNickname(smsId)]["Checked"] = os.time() end end SSDB_trigger = true if not iHideSmsOut.v then if iReplaceSmsOutColor.v then text = string.gsub(text, "{FFFF00}", "") text = string.gsub(text, "{FFFFFF}", "") sampAddChatMessage(text, SmsOutColor_HEX) return false else --do nothing end else return false end end end end function sendsms() imgui.PushItemWidth(imgui.GetContentRegionAvailWidth() - 70) if imgui.InputText("##keyboardSMSKA", toAnswerSMS, imgui.InputTextFlags.EnterReturnsTrue) then for i = 0, sampGetMaxPlayerId() do if sampIsPlayerConnected(i) and sampGetPlayerNickname(i) == selecteddialogSMS then k = i break end if i == sampGetMaxPlayerId() then k = "-" end end if k ~= "-" and sms[selecteddialogSMS]["Number"] ~= nil then lua_thread.create(hznomer) end KeyboardFocusReset = true end if imgui.IsItemActive() then fixforcarstop() else if isPlayerControlLocked() then lockPlayerControl(false) end end if imgui.SameLine() or imgui.Button(u8"Отправить") then for i = 0, sampGetMaxPlayerId() do if sampIsPlayerConnected(i) and sampGetPlayerNickname(i) == selecteddialogSMS then k = i break end if i == sampGetMaxPlayerId() then k = "-" end end if k ~= "-" and sms[selecteddialogSMS]["Number"] ~= nil then lua_thread.create(hznomer) end KeyboardFocusReset = true end end function hznomer() local newsms = u8:decode(toAnswerSMS.v) toAnswerSMS.v = '' if sms[selecteddialogSMS]["Number"] == "?" then getmenumber = true sampSendChat("/number "..selecteddialogSMS) wait(1200) end if sms[selecteddialogSMS]["Number"] ~= "?" then sampSendChat("/sms " .. sms[selecteddialogSMS]["Number"] .. " " .. newsms) end end function getafk(i) end function getafkbutton() end function hidesmssent() end function changesmssent() end function newdialog() if imgui.InputText("##keyboardSMADD", iSMSAddDialog, imgui.InputTextFlags.EnterReturnsTrue) then createnewdialognick = iSMSAddDialog.v if iSMSAddDialog.v == "" then ikkk = 0 iAddSMS = false if isPlayerControlLocked() then lockPlayerControl(false) end else iSMSAddDialog.v = "" for i = 0, sampGetMaxPlayerId() + 1 do if sampIsPlayerConnected(i) and i == tonumber(createnewdialognick) or sampIsPlayerConnected(i) and string.find(string.rlower(sampGetPlayerNickname(i)), string.rlower(createnewdialognick)) then if sms[sampGetPlayerNickname(i)] == nil then sms[sampGetPlayerNickname(i)] = {} sms[sampGetPlayerNickname(i)]["Chat"] = {} sms[sampGetPlayerNickname(i)]["Checked"] = 0 sms[sampGetPlayerNickname(i)]["Number"] = "?" sms[sampGetPlayerNickname(i)]["Pinned"] = 0 ikkk = 0 iAddSMS = false table.insert(sms[sampGetPlayerNickname(i)]["Chat"], {text = "Диалог создан", Nick = "мессенджер", type = "service", time = os.time()}) selecteddialogSMS = sampGetPlayerNickname(i) SSDB_trigger = true ScrollToDialogSMS = true keyboard = true break else selecteddialogSMS = sampGetPlayerNickname(i) ikkk = 0 iAddSMS = false ScrollToDialogSMS = true keyboard = true break end end end end end if imgui.IsKeyPressed(key.VK_ESCAPE) then iSMSAddDialog.v = "" ikkk = 0 iAddSMS = false if isPlayerControlLocked() then lockPlayerControl(false) end end if KeyboardFocusResetForNewDialog then imgui.SetKeyboardFocusHere() fixforcarstop() KeyboardFocusResetForNewDialog = false end if iSMSAddDialog.v ~= "" then for i = 0, sampGetMaxPlayerId() do if sampIsPlayerConnected(i) and i == tonumber(iSMSAddDialog.v) or sampIsPlayerConnected(i) and string.find(string.rlower(sampGetPlayerNickname(i)), string.rlower(iSMSAddDialog.v)) then imgui.SetTooltip(u8:encode(sampGetPlayerNickname(i).."["..i.."]")) break end end end end function smsheader() imgui.BeginChild("##header", imgui.ImVec2(imgui.GetContentRegionAvailWidth(), 35), true) if sms[selecteddialogSMS] ~= nil and sms[selecteddialogSMS]["Chat"] ~= nil then if math.random(1, 9999) % 20 < 1 then for id = 0, sampGetMaxPlayerId() + 1 do if sampIsPlayerConnected(id) and sampGetPlayerNickname(id) == tostring(selecteddialogSMS) then shId = id break end if id == sampGetMaxPlayerId() + 1 then shId = "-" end end end if shId ~= nil and shId == "-" then imgui.Text(u8:encode("[Оффлайн] Ник: "..tostring(selecteddialogSMS)..". Номер: "..sms[selecteddialogSMS]["Number"]..". Всего сообщений: "..tostring(#sms[selecteddialogSMS]["Chat"])..".")) else imgui.Text(u8:encode("[Онлайн] Ник: "..tostring(selecteddialogSMS)..". ID: "..tostring(shId)..". LVL: "..tostring(sampGetPlayerScore(tonumber(shId)))..". Номер: "..sms[selecteddialogSMS]["Number"]..". Всего сообщений: "..tostring(#sms[selecteddialogSMS]["Chat"])..".")) getafkbutton() end end imgui.EndChild() end end ----------------------------------WORKING MODE AREA ----------------------------------WORKING MODE AREA ----------------------------------WORKING MODE AREA ----------------------------------WORKING MODE AREA ----------------------------------WORKING MODE AREA ----------------------------------WORKING MODE AREA ----------------------------------WORKING MODE AREA ----------------------------------WORKING MODE AREA ----------------------------------WORKING MODE AREA ----------------------------------WORKING MODE AREA ----------------------------------WORKING MODE AREA ----------------------------------WORKING MODE AREA function imgui_init() function imgui.OnDrawFrame() iccccc = os.clock() if main_window_state.v then imgui.SetNextWindowPos(imgui.ImVec2(cfg.menuwindow.PosX, cfg.menuwindow.PosY), imgui.Cond.FirstUseEver) imgui.SetNextWindowSize(imgui.ImVec2(cfg.menuwindow.Width, cfg.menuwindow.Height)) if PREMIUM then beginflags = imgui.WindowFlags.NoCollapse else beginflags = imgui.WindowFlags.NoCollapse + imgui.WindowFlags.MenuBar end if PREMIUM then imgui.Begin(u8:encode(thisScript().name.." Premium v"..thisScript().version), main_window_state, beginflags) else imgui.Begin(u8:encode(thisScript().name.." Lite v"..thisScript().version), main_window_state, beginflags) end imgui_saveposandsize() imgui_messanger() imgui.End() end icccccb = os.clock() - iccccc end end function imgui_menu() imgui.BeginMenuBar() if imgui.MenuItem(u8'Купить лицензию') then cfg.messanger.mode = 1 selectedTAB = 8 inicfg.save(cfg, "smes") end imgui.EndMenuBar() end function imgui_itspremiuim() cfg.messanger.mode = 1 selectedTAB = 8 end function imgui_saveposandsize() if cfg.menuwindow.Width ~= imgui.GetWindowWidth() or cfg.menuwindow.Height ~= imgui.GetWindowHeight() then cfg.menuwindow.Width = imgui.GetWindowWidth() cfg.menuwindow.Height = imgui.GetWindowHeight() inicfg.save(cfg, "smes") end if cfg.menuwindow.PosX ~= imgui.GetWindowPos().x or cfg.menuwindow.PosY ~= imgui.GetWindowPos().y then cfg.menuwindow.PosX = imgui.GetWindowPos().x cfg.menuwindow.PosY = imgui.GetWindowPos().y inicfg.save(cfg, "smes") end end function imgui_messanger_scrollkostil() while true do wait(0) if scroll then wait(100) scroll = false end end end function imgui_messanger_FO(mode) --mode = 4 => открыть смс на последней смс --mode = 5 => открыть смс на создании диалога if mode == 4 then if LASTNICK_SMS == " " then sampAddChatMessage("Ошибка: вам/вы ещё не писали смс.", color) else cfg.messanger.mode = 2 if selecteddialogSMS ~= LASTNICK_SMS then --do nothing if not main_window_state.v then main_window_state.v = true end else main_window_state.v = not main_window_state.v end if cfg.messanger.activesms and cfg.messanger.hotkey4 then if sampIsPlayerConnected(LASTID_SMS) and sampGetPlayerNickname(LASTID_SMS) == LASTNICK_SMS then online = "Онлайн" else online = "Оффлайн" end selecteddialogSMS = LASTNICK_SMS smsafk[selecteddialogSMS] = "CHECK AFK" keyboard = true cfg.messanger.mode = 2 ScrollToDialogSMS = true inicfg.save(cfg, "smes") end end end if mode == 5 then if cfg.messanger.mode == 1 then cfg.messanger.mode = 2 end if not main_window_state.v then main_window_state.v = true end if cfg.messanger.activesms and cfg.messanger.hotkey5 then ikkk = -20 iAddSMS = true KeyboardFocusResetForNewDialog = true cfg.messanger.mode = 2 inicfg.save(cfg, "smes") end end end function imgui_messanger() if not PREMIUM then imgui_menu() end imgui_messanger_content() end function imgui_messanger_content() imgui.Columns(2, nil, false) imgui.SetColumnWidth(-1, 200) if cfg.messanger.mode == 1 then imgui_messanger_sup_settings() end if cfg.messanger.mode == 2 then imgui_messanger_sms_settings() end if cfg.messanger.mode == 1 then imgui_messanger_sup_player_list() end if cfg.messanger.mode == 2 then imgui_messanger_sms_player_list() end imgui_messanger_switchmode() imgui.NextColumn() if cfg.messanger.mode == 1 then imgui_messanger_sup_header() end if cfg.messanger.mode == 2 then imgui_messanger_sms_header() end if cfg.messanger.mode == 1 then imgui_messanger_sup_dialog() end if cfg.messanger.mode == 2 then iaaaaa = os.clock() imgui_messanger_sms_dialog() iaaaaab = os.clock() - iaaaaa end if cfg.messanger.mode == 1 then imgui_messanger_sup_keyboard() end if cfg.messanger.mode == 2 then imgui_messanger_sms_keyboard() end imgui.Columns(1) end function imgui_messanger_rightclick() if imgui.IsItemHovered(imgui.HoveredFlags.RootWindow) and imgui.IsMouseClicked(1) then cfg.only.messanger = true inicfg.save(cfg, "smes") end end function imgui_messanger_sup_settings() imgui.BeginChild("##settings", imgui.ImVec2(192, 35), true) imgui.EndChild() end function imgui_messanger_sms_settings() imgui.BeginChild("##settings", imgui.ImVec2(192, 35), true) imgui.SameLine(6) imgui.Text("") imgui.SameLine() imgui.PushStyleColor(imgui.Col.Button, imgui.ImVec4(0.16, 0.29, 0.48, 0.54)) if not iAddSMS then if imgui.Checkbox("##ShowSHO2WOFFLINE", iShowSHOWOFFLINESMS) then cfg.messanger.iShowSHOWOFFLINESMS = iShowSHOWOFFLINESMS.v inicfg.save(cfg, "smes") end if imgui.IsItemHovered() then imgui.SetTooltip(u8"Показывать оффлайн игроков?") end imgui.SameLine() if imgui.Checkbox("##SMSFILTER", iSMSfilterBool) then cfg.messanger.iSMSfilterBool = iSMSfilterBool.v inicfg.save(cfg, "smes") end if imgui.IsItemHovered() then imgui.SetTooltip(u8"Включить фильтр по нику?") end if iSMSfilterBool.v then imgui.SameLine() if imgui.InputText("##keyboardSMSFILTER", iSMSfilter) then cfg.messanger.smsfiltertext = iSMSfilter.v inicfg.save(cfg, "smes") end end if not iSMSfilterBool.v then imgui.SameLine() if imgui.Checkbox("##iSetKeyboardSMS", iSetKeyboardSMS) then cfg.messanger.iSetKeyboardSMS = iSetKeyboardSMS.v inicfg.save(cfg, "smes") end if imgui.IsItemHovered() then imgui.SetTooltip(u8"Курсор на ввод текста при выборе диалога?") end imgui.SameLine() if imgui.Checkbox("##iChangeScrollSMS", iChangeScrollSMS) then cfg.messanger.iChangeScrollSMS = iChangeScrollSMS.v inicfg.save(cfg, "smes") end if imgui.IsItemHovered() then imgui.SetTooltip(u8"Менять позицию скролла в списке диалогов при выборе диалога?") end imgui.SameLine() if imgui.Button(u8"Добавить", imgui.ImVec2(imgui.GetContentRegionAvailWidth() + 1, 20)) then ikkk = 0 iAddSMS = true KeyboardFocusResetForNewDialog = true end end else newdialog() if iAddSMS and not imgui.IsItemActive() then ikkk = ikkk + 1 if ikkk > 5 then ikkk = 0 if isPlayerControlLocked() then lockPlayerControl(false) end ikkk = 0 iAddSMS = false end end imgui.SameLine() if imgui.Button(u8"close", imgui.ImVec2(imgui.GetContentRegionAvailWidth(), 20)) then iSMSAddDialog.v = "" ikkk = 0 iAddSMS = false if isPlayerControlLocked() then lockPlayerControl(false) end end end imgui.PopStyleColor() imgui.EndChild() end function imgui_messanger_sms_player_list() iooooo = os.clock() playerlistY = imgui.GetContentRegionAvail().y - 35 imgui.BeginChild("список ников", imgui.ImVec2(192, playerlistY), true) if counter == nil then counter = 0 end if counter > 10 then counter = 0 smsindex_PINNED = {} smsindex_PINNEDVIEWED = {} smsindex_NEW = {} smsindex_NEWVIEWED = {} for k in pairs(sms) do if cfg.messanger.iSMSfilterBool and cfg.messanger.smsfiltertext ~= nil then if cfg.messanger.smsfiltertext ~= "" then if string.find(string.rlower(k), string.rlower(cfg.messanger.smsfiltertext)) ~= nil then imgui_messanger_sms_player_list_filter(k) end else imgui_messanger_sms_player_list_filter(k) end else imgui_messanger_sms_player_list_filter(k) end end table.sort(smsindex_PINNED, function(a, b) return sms[a]["Chat"][#sms[a]["Chat"]]["time"] > sms[b]["Chat"][#sms[b]["Chat"]]["time"] end) table.sort(smsindex_PINNEDVIEWED, function(a, b) return sms[a]["Chat"][#sms[a]["Chat"]]["time"] > sms[b]["Chat"][#sms[b]["Chat"]]["time"] end) table.sort(smsindex_NEW, function(a, b) return sms[a]["Chat"][#sms[a]["Chat"]]["time"] > sms[b]["Chat"][#sms[b]["Chat"]]["time"] end) table.sort(smsindex_NEWVIEWED, function(a, b) return sms[a]["Chat"][#sms[a]["Chat"]]["time"] > sms[b]["Chat"][#sms[b]["Chat"]]["time"] end) else counter = counter + 1 end if smsindex_PINNED ~= nil and smsindex_PINNEDVIEWED ~= nil and smsindex_NEW ~= nil and smsindex_NEWVIEWED ~= nil then imgui_messanger_sms_showdialogs(smsindex_PINNED, "Pinned") imgui_messanger_sms_showdialogs(smsindex_PINNEDVIEWED, "Pinned") imgui_messanger_sms_showdialogs(smsindex_NEW, "NotPinned") imgui_messanger_sms_showdialogs(smsindex_NEWVIEWED, "NotPinned") end iooooob = os.clock() - iooooo imgui.EndChild() end function imgui_messanger_sms_player_list_filter(k) if sms[k]["Pinned"] ~= nil and sms[k]["Chat"] ~= nil and sms[k]["Checked"] then if sms[k]["Pinned"] == 1 then kolvo = 0 if #sms[k]["Chat"] ~= 0 then for i, z in pairs(sms[k]["Chat"]) do if z["type"] == "FROM" and z["time"] > sms[k]["Checked"] then kolvo = kolvo + 1 end end end if kolvo > 0 then table.insert(smsindex_PINNED, k) else table.insert(smsindex_PINNEDVIEWED, k) end else kolvo = 0 if #sms[k]["Chat"] ~= 0 then for i, z in pairs(sms[k]["Chat"]) do if z["type"] == "FROM" and z["time"] > sms[k]["Checked"] then kolvo = kolvo + 1 end end end if kolvo > 0 then table.insert(smsindex_NEW, k) else table.insert(smsindex_NEWVIEWED, k) end end end end function imgui_messanger_sup_player_list() playerlistY = imgui.GetContentRegionAvail().y - 35 imgui.BeginChild("список ников", imgui.ImVec2(192, playerlistY), true) imgui_messanger_sup_showdialogs(1, "Чат") imgui_messanger_sup_showdialogs(2, "Мессенджер") imgui_messanger_sup_showdialogs(3, "Звуки") imgui_messanger_sup_showdialogs(4, "Хоткеи") imgui_messanger_sup_showdialogs(5, "Разное") if not PREMIUM then imgui_messanger_sup_showdialogs(8, "Активировать код") else imgui_messanger_sup_showdialogs(9, "Чёрный список") end imgui_messanger_sup_showdialogs(6, "О скрипте") imgui.EndChild() end function imgui_messanger_sms_showdialogs(table, typ) for _, v in ipairs(table) do k = v if sms ~= nil and sms[k] ~= nil and ((sms[k]["id"] == "-" and iShowSHOWOFFLINESMS.v) or (sms[k]["id"] ~= "-")) then v = sms[v] if k ~= " " then if sms[k]["id"] == nil then pId = "-" else pId = sms[k]["id"] end kolvo = 0 if #v["Chat"] ~= 0 then for i, z in pairs(v["Chat"]) do if z["type"] == "FROM" and z["time"] > v["Checked"] then kolvo = kolvo + 1 end end end if typ == "Pinned" then imgui.PushID(1) imgui.PushStyleColor(imgui.Col.Button, imgui.ImColor(0, 0, 0, 113):GetVec4()) if kolvo > 0 then imgui.PushStyleColor(imgui.Col.Text, imgui.ImColor(0, 255, 0, 255):GetVec4()) else imgui.PushStyleColor(imgui.Col.Text, imgui.ImColor(255, 255, 255, 255):GetVec4()) end if k == selecteddialogSMS then imgui.PushStyleColor(imgui.Col.Button, imgui.ImColor(54, 12, 42, 113):GetVec4()) sms[selecteddialogSMS]["Checked"] = os.time() -- elseif #iMessanger[k]["A"] == 0 then else imgui.PushStyleColor(imgui.Col.Button, imgui.ImColor(255, 0, 0, 113):GetVec4()) end end if k == selecteddialogSMS then sms[selecteddialogSMS]["Checked"] = os.time() end if typ == "NotPinned" then imgui.PushID(2) imgui.PushStyleColor(imgui.Col.Button, imgui.ImColor(0, 0, 0, 113):GetVec4()) if kolvo > 0 then imgui.PushStyleColor(imgui.Col.Text, imgui.ImColor(0, 255, 0, 255):GetVec4()) else imgui.PushStyleColor(imgui.Col.Text, imgui.ImColor(255, 255, 255, 255):GetVec4()) end if k == selecteddialogSMS then imgui.PushStyleColor(imgui.Col.Button, imgui.ImColor(54, 12, 42, 113):GetVec4()) sms[selecteddialogSMS]["Checked"] = os.time() else imgui.PushStyleColor(imgui.Col.Button, imgui.ImVec4(0.26, 0.59, 0.98, 0.40)) end end if kolvo > 0 then if pId ~= nil and pId ~= "-" then if imgui.Button(u8(k .. "[" .. pId .. "] - "..kolvo), imgui.ImVec2(-0.0001, 30)) then selecteddialogSMS = k ScrollToDialogSMS = true online = "Онлайн" smsafk[selecteddialogSMS] = "CHECK AFK" scroll = true keyboard = true SSDB1_trigger = true end elseif iShowSHOWOFFLINESMS.v then if imgui.Button(u8(k .. "[-] - "..kolvo), imgui.ImVec2(-0.0001, 30)) then selecteddialogSMS = k ScrollToDialogSMS = true online = "Оффлайн" scroll = true keyboard = true SSDB1_trigger = true end end else if pId ~= nil and pId ~= "-" then if imgui.Button(u8(k .. "[" .. pId .. "]"), imgui.ImVec2(-0.0001, 30)) then selecteddialogSMS = k ScrollToDialogSMS = true smsafk[selecteddialogSMS] = "CHECK AFK" online = "Онлайн" scroll = true keyboard = true SSDB1_trigger = true end elseif iShowSHOWOFFLINESMS.v then if imgui.Button(u8(k .. "[-]"), imgui.ImVec2(-0.0001, 30)) then selecteddialogSMS = k ScrollToDialogSMS = true online = "Оффлайн" scroll = true keyboard = true SSDB1_trigger = true end end end if scroll and selecteddialogSMS == k and iChangeScrollSMS.v then imgui.SetScrollHere() end imgui.PopStyleColor() imgui_messanger_sms_player_list_contextmenu(k, typ) if typ == "Pinned" then imgui.PopStyleColor(2) imgui.PopID() end if typ == "NotPinned" then imgui.PopStyleColor(2) imgui.PopID() end end end end end function imgui_messanger_sms_player_list_contextmenu(k, typ) if imgui.BeginPopupContextItem("item context menu"..k) then if typ == "NotPinned" then if imgui.Selectable(u8"Закрепить") then if PREMIUM then sms[k]["Pinned"] = 1 SSDB_trigger = true table.insert(sms[k]["Chat"], {text = "Собеседник закреплён", Nick = "мессенджер", type = "service", time = os.time()}) ScrollToDialogSMS = true else imgui_itspremiuim() end end else if imgui.Selectable(u8"Открепить") then sms[k]["Pinned"] = 0 SSDB_trigger = true table.insert(sms[k]["Chat"], {text = "Собеседник откреплён", Nick = "мессенджер", type = "service", time = os.time()}) ScrollToDialogSMS = true end end if sms[k]["Blocked"] ~= nil then if imgui.Selectable(u8"Разблокировать") then sms[k]["Blocked"] = nil table.insert(sms[k]["Chat"], {text = "Собеседник разблокирован", Nick = "мессенджер", type = "service", time = os.time()}) SSDB_trigger = true ScrollToDialogSMS = true end else if imgui.Selectable(u8"Заблокировать") then if PREMIUM then sms[k]["Blocked"] = 1 table.insert(sms[k]["Chat"], {text = "Собеседник заблокирован", Nick = "мессенджер", type = "service", time = os.time()}) SSDB_trigger = true ScrollToDialogSMS = true else imgui_itspremiuim() end end end if imgui.Selectable(u8"Очистить") then ispinned = 0 if sms[k] and sms[k]["Pinned"] == 1 then ispinned = sms[k]["Pinned"] end sms[k] = {} sms[k]["Chat"] = {} sms[k]["Checked"] = 0 sms[k]["Pinned"] = ispinned sms[k]["Chat"][1] = {text = "Диалог очищен", Nick = "мессенджер", type = "service", time = os.time()} selecteddialogSMS = k SSDB_trigger = true ScrollToDialogSMS = true end if imgui.Selectable(u8"Удалить") then sms[k] = nil SSDB_trigger = true end imgui.EndPopup() end end function imgui_messanger_sup_showdialogs(k, text) imgui.PushStyleColor(imgui.Col.Text, imgui.ImColor(255, 255, 255, 255):GetVec4()) if k == selectedTAB then imgui.PushStyleColor(imgui.Col.Button, imgui.ImColor(54, 12, 42, 113):GetVec4()) else imgui.PushStyleColor(imgui.Col.Button, imgui.ImVec4(0.26, 0.59, 0.98, 0.40)) end if imgui.Button(u8(text), imgui.ImVec2(-0.0001, 30)) then selectedTAB = k end imgui.PopStyleColor(2) end function imgui_messanger_switchmode() imgui.BeginChild("Переключатель режимов", imgui.ImVec2(192, 35), true) kolvo1 = 0 if cfg.messanger.mode == 1 then imgui.PushStyleColor(imgui.Col.Button, imgui.ImColor(0, 0, 0, 200):GetVec4()) imgui.PushStyleColor(imgui.Col.Text, imgui.ImColor(255, 255, 255, 255):GetVec4()) else if kolvo1 ~= nil and kolvo1 > 0 then imgui.PushStyleColor(imgui.Col.Text, imgui.ImColor(0, 255, 0, 255):GetVec4()) else imgui.PushStyleColor(imgui.Col.Text, imgui.ImColor(255, 255, 255, 255):GetVec4()) end imgui.PushStyleColor(imgui.Col.Button, imgui.ImVec4(0.26, 0.59, 0.98, 0.40)) end if imgui.Button(u8("SETTINGS"), imgui.ImVec2(85, 20)) then cfg.messanger.mode = 1 inicfg.save(cfg, "smes") end imgui.PopStyleColor(2) kolvo2 = 0 for k in pairs(sms) do if #sms[k]["Chat"] ~= 0 then for i, z in pairs(sms[k]["Chat"]) do if z["type"] == "FROM" and z["time"] > sms[k]["Checked"] then kolvo2 = kolvo2 + 1 end end end end if cfg.messanger.mode == 2 then imgui.PushStyleColor(imgui.Col.Button, imgui.ImColor(0, 0, 0, 200):GetVec4()) imgui.PushStyleColor(imgui.Col.Text, imgui.ImColor(255, 255, 255, 255):GetVec4()) else if kolvo2 ~= nil and kolvo2 > 0 then imgui.PushStyleColor(imgui.Col.Text, imgui.ImColor(0, 255, 0, 255):GetVec4()) else imgui.PushStyleColor(imgui.Col.Text, imgui.ImColor(255, 255, 255, 255):GetVec4()) end imgui.PushStyleColor(imgui.Col.Button, imgui.ImVec4(0.26, 0.59, 0.98, 0.40)) end imgui.SameLine() if imgui.Button(u8("SMS"), imgui.ImVec2(85, 20)) then cfg.messanger.mode = 2 inicfg.save(cfg, "smes") end imgui.PopStyleColor(2) imgui.EndChild() end function imgui_messanger_sup_header() imgui.BeginChild("##header", imgui.ImVec2(imgui.GetContentRegionAvailWidth(), 35), true) imgui.Text("") imgui.EndChild() end function imgui_messanger_sms_header() smsheader() end function imgui_messanger_sup_dialog() dialogY = imgui.GetContentRegionAvail().y - 35 imgui.BeginChild("##middle", imgui.ImVec2(imgui.GetContentRegionAvailWidth(), dialogY), true) if selectedTAB == 1 then imgui_settings_2_sms_hideandcol() end if selectedTAB == 2 then imgui_settings_6_sms_messanger() end if selectedTAB == 3 then imgui_settings_13_sms_sounds() end if selectedTAB == 4 then imgui_settings_14_hotkeys() end if selectedTAB == 5 then imgui_settings_15_extra() end if selectedTAB == 6 then imgui_info() end if selectedTAB == 9 then imgui_blacklist() end imgui.EndChild() end function render() resX, resY = getScreenResolution() font = renderCreateFont("Arial", 16, 5) local memory = require "memory" sf = [[Time to render: Full frame: "%.3f" Dialog list: "%.3f" Dialog: "%.3f"]] while true do wait(0) while DEBUG do wait(0) renderFontDrawText(font, string.format(sf, icccccb, iooooob, iaaaaab), resX / 50, resY / 3.5, 0xFF00FF00) end end end function imgui_messanger_sms_dialog() dialogY = imgui.GetContentRegionAvail().y - 35 imgui.BeginChild("##middle", imgui.ImVec2(imgui.GetContentRegionAvailWidth(), dialogY), true) if selecteddialogSMS ~= nil and sms[selecteddialogSMS] ~= nil and sms[selecteddialogSMS]["Chat"] ~= nil then if sms[selecteddialogSMS]["maxpos"] == nil then sms[selecteddialogSMS]["maxpos"] = #sms[selecteddialogSMS]["Chat"] end if sms[selecteddialogSMS]["maxvisible"] == nil then sms[selecteddialogSMS]["maxvisible"] = -999 end kkkk = -1 scroller = false for kkk, v in ipairs(sms[selecteddialogSMS]["Chat"]) do if kkk == sms[selecteddialogSMS]["maxpos"] - 10 and kkk ~= 1 then local r, g, b, a = imgui.ImColor(cfg.messanger.SmsOutColor):GetRGBA() imgui.PushStyleColor(imgui.Col.ChildWindowBg, imgui.ImColor(r, g, b, a):GetVec4()) local width = imgui.GetWindowWidth() local calc = imgui.CalcTextSize("^") X = imgui.CalcTextSize("^").x + 15 Y = imgui.CalcTextSize("^").y + 5 imgui.NewLine() imgui.SameLine(width / 2 - calc.x / 2 - 15) imgui.BeginChild("##msgfe" .. kkk, imgui.ImVec2(X, Y), false, imgui.WindowFlags.AlwaysUseWindowPadding + imgui.WindowFlags.NoScrollbar + imgui.WindowFlags.NoScrollWithMouse) imgui.Text("^") if imgui.IsItemVisible() then scroller = true end imgui.EndChild() if imgui.IsItemClicked() then sms[selecteddialogSMS]["maxpos"] = 1 end imgui.PopStyleColor() end if kkk >= sms[selecteddialogSMS]["maxpos"] - 10 and kkk <= sms[selecteddialogSMS]["maxpos"] + 10 then if DEBUG then msg = string.format("%s: %s", kkk, u8:encode(v.text)) else msg = string.format("%s", u8:encode(v.text)) end time = u8:encode(os.date("%d/%m/%y %X", v.time)) if v.type == "FROM" then header = u8:encode("->SMS от "..v.Nick) local r, g, b, a = imgui.ImColor(cfg.messanger.SmsInColor):GetRGBA() imgui.PushStyleColor(imgui.Col.ChildWindowBg, imgui.ImColor(r, g, b, a):GetVec4()) end if v.type == "TO" then header = u8:encode("<-SMS от "..v.Nick) local r, g, b, a = imgui.ImColor(cfg.messanger.SmsOutColor):GetRGBA() imgui.PushStyleColor(imgui.Col.ChildWindowBg, imgui.ImColor(r, g, b, a):GetVec4()) end if v.type ~= "service" then Xmin = imgui.CalcTextSize(time).x + imgui.CalcTextSize(header).x Xmax = imgui.GetContentRegionAvailWidth() / 2 + imgui.GetContentRegionAvailWidth() / 4 Xmes = imgui.CalcTextSize(msg).x if Xmin < Xmes then if Xmes < Xmax then X = Xmes + 15 if (Xmin + 5) > X then anomaly = true else anomaly = false end else X = Xmax if (Xmin + 5) > X then anomaly = true else anomaly = false end end else if (Xmin + 5) < Xmax then X = Xmin + 15 if (Xmin + 5) > X then anomaly = true else anomaly = false end else X = Xmax if (Xmin + 5) > X then anomaly = true else anomaly = false end end end Y = imgui.CalcTextSize(time).y + 7 + (imgui.CalcTextSize(time).y + 5) * math.ceil((imgui.CalcTextSize(msg).x) / (X - 14)) if anomaly then Y = Y + imgui.CalcTextSize(time).y + 3 end else local r, g, b, a = imgui.ImColor(cfg.messanger.SmsOutColor):GetRGBA() imgui.PushStyleColor(imgui.Col.ChildWindowBg, imgui.ImColor(r, g, b, a):GetVec4()) X = imgui.CalcTextSize(msg).x + 9 Y = imgui.CalcTextSize(msg).y + 5 end if v.type == "TO" then imgui.NewLine() imgui.SameLine(imgui.GetContentRegionAvailWidth() - X + 20 - imgui.GetStyle().ScrollbarSize) end if v.type == "service" then imgui.NewLine() local width = imgui.GetWindowWidth() local calc = imgui.CalcTextSize(msg) imgui.SameLine(width / 2 - calc.x / 2 - 3) end imgui.PushStyleVar(imgui.StyleVar.WindowPadding, imgui.ImVec2(4.0, 2.0)) imgui.BeginChild("##msg" .. kkk, imgui.ImVec2(X, Y), false, imgui.WindowFlags.AlwaysUseWindowPadding + imgui.WindowFlags.NoScrollbar + imgui.WindowFlags.NoScrollWithMouse) if v.type == "FROM" then local r, g, b, a = imgui.ImColor(cfg.messanger.SmsInTextColor):GetRGBA() imgui.PushStyleColor(imgui.Col.Text, imgui.ImColor(r, g, b, a):GetVec4()) local r, g, b, a = imgui.ImColor(cfg.messanger.SmsInTimeColor):GetRGBA() imgui.TextColored(imgui.ImColor(r, g, b, a):GetVec4(), time) if not anomaly then imgui.SameLine() end local r, g, b, a = imgui.ImColor(cfg.messanger.SmsInHeaderColor):GetRGBA() imgui.TextColored(imgui.ImColor(r, g, b, a):GetVec4(), header) end if v.type == "TO" then local r, g, b, a = imgui.ImColor(cfg.messanger.SmsOutTextColor):GetRGBA() imgui.PushStyleColor(imgui.Col.Text, imgui.ImColor(r, g, b, a):GetVec4()) local r, g, b, a = imgui.ImColor(cfg.messanger.SmsOutTimeColor):GetRGBA() imgui.TextColored(imgui.ImColor(r, g, b, a):GetVec4(), time) if not anomaly then imgui.SameLine() end local r, g, b, a = imgui.ImColor(cfg.messanger.SmsOutHeaderColor):GetRGBA() imgui.TextColored(imgui.ImColor(r, g, b, a):GetVec4(), header) end if v.type == "service" then local r, g, b, a = imgui.ImColor(cfg.messanger.SmsOutTextColor):GetRGBA() imgui.PushStyleColor(imgui.Col.Text, imgui.ImColor(r, g, b, a):GetVec4()) end imgui.TextWrapped(msg) if v.type == "service" and imgui.IsItemHovered() then imgui.SetTooltip(time) end imgui.PopStyleColor() imgui.EndChild() if imgui.IsItemVisible() and kkk > kkkk then kkkk = kkk end --sampAddChatMessage(imgui.GetScrollY(), color) imgui.PopStyleVar() imgui.PopStyleColor() end if kkk == sms[selecteddialogSMS]["maxpos"] + 10 and kkk ~= 1 then local r, g, b, a = imgui.ImColor(cfg.messanger.SmsOutColor):GetRGBA() imgui.PushStyleColor(imgui.Col.ChildWindowBg, imgui.ImColor(r, g, b, a):GetVec4()) local width = imgui.GetWindowWidth() local calc = imgui.CalcTextSize(".") X = imgui.CalcTextSize(".").x + 15 Y = imgui.CalcTextSize(".").y + 8 imgui.NewLine() imgui.SameLine(width / 2 - calc.x / 2 - 15) imgui.BeginChild("##msgfhe" .. kkk, imgui.ImVec2(X, Y), false, imgui.WindowFlags.AlwaysUseWindowPadding + imgui.WindowFlags.NoScrollbar + imgui.WindowFlags.NoScrollWithMouse) imgui.Text(".") if imgui.IsItemVisible() then scroller = true end imgui.EndChild() if imgui.IsItemClicked() then sms[selecteddialogSMS]["maxpos"] = #sms[selecteddialogSMS]["Chat"] end imgui.PopStyleColor() end end sms[selecteddialogSMS]["maxvisible"] = kkkk if imgui.GetIO().MouseWheel ~= 0 and scroller then kostilforscroll = true sms[selecteddialogSMS]["mousewheel"] = imgui.GetIO().MouseWheel end if ScrollToDialogSMS then if scrolldone then imgui.SetScrollHere() ScrollToDialogSMS = false scrolldone = false else sms[selecteddialogSMS]["maxpos"] = #sms[selecteddialogSMS]["Chat"] scrolldone = true end end else if sms[selecteddialogSMS] == nil then local text = u8"Выберите диалог." local width = imgui.GetWindowWidth() local height = imgui.GetWindowHeight() local calc = imgui.CalcTextSize(text) imgui.SetCursorPos(imgui.ImVec2( width / 2 - calc.x / 2, height / 2 - calc.y / 2)) imgui.Text(text) end end imgui.EndChild() end function imgui_messanger_sup_keyboard() imgui.BeginChild("##keyboard", imgui.ImVec2(imgui.GetContentRegionAvailWidth(), 35), true) imgui.Text("") imgui.EndChild() end function imgui_messanger_sms_keyboard() imgui.BeginChild("##keyboardSMS", imgui.ImVec2(imgui.GetContentRegionAvailWidth(), 35), true) if sms[selecteddialogSMS] == nil then else if KeyboardFocusReset then imgui.SetKeyboardFocusHere() KeyboardFocusReset = false end if keyboard and iSetKeyboardSMS.v then imgui.SetKeyboardFocusHere() keyboard = false end sendsms() end imgui.EndChild() end function imgui_messanger_sms_loadDB() _213, myid = sampGetPlayerIdByCharHandle(PLAYER_PED) smsfile = getGameDirectory()..'\\moonloader\\config\\smsmessanger\\'..sampGetCurrentServerAddress().."-"..sampGetPlayerNickname(myid)..'.sms' if PREMIUM and (cfg.messanger.storesms or ingamelaunch) then ingamelaunch = nil if doesFileExist(smsfile) then sms = table.load(smsfile) else if sms == nil then sms = {} end table.save(sms, smsfile) sms = table.load(smsfile) end else sms = {} end end function imgui_messanger_sms_saveDB() if PREMIUM and cfg.messanger.storesms then if type(sms) == "table" and doesFileExist(smsfile) then table.save(sms, smsfile) end end end function imgui_messanger_sms_kostilsaveDB() while true do wait(1500) if SSDB1_trigger or SSDB_trigger then imgui_messanger_sms_saveDB() SSDB1_trigger = false SSDB_trigger = false wait(1000) end end end function imgui_info() imgui_info_content() end function imgui_info_content() imgui.Text(thisScript().name.." v"..thisScript().version) imgui_info_open(currentbuylink) imgui.Text("<> by "..thisScript().authors[1]) imgui_info_open("https://blast.hk/members/156833/") imgui.Text("") imgui.TextWrapped(u8"Группа ВКонтакте (все новости здесь): ".."http://vk.com/qrlk.mods") imgui_info_open("http://vk.com/qrlk.mods") imgui.TextWrapped(u8"Сообщение автору (все баги только сюда): ".."http://vk.me/qrlk.mods") imgui_info_open("http://vk.me/qrlk.mods") imgui.Text("") if imgui.TreeNode("Changelog") then imgui.InputTextMultiline("##changelog", changelog, imgui.ImVec2(-1, 200), imgui.InputTextFlags.ReadOnly) imgui.TreePop() end imgui.Text("") if PREMIUM then imgui.TextWrapped(u8:encode("Спасибо, что пользуетесь PREMIUM!")) imgui.TextWrapped(u8:encode("Лицензия принадлежит: "..licensenick..", сервер: "..licenseserver..", купленный мод: "..mode..".")) end imgui.TextWrapped(u8:encode("Текущая цена: "..currentprice..". Купить можно тут: "..currentbuylink)) imgui_info_open(currentbuylink) imgui.Text("") imgui.Text(u8:encode("В скрипте задействованы следующие сампотехнологии:")) imgui.BeginChild("##credits", imgui.ImVec2(580, 158), true) imgui.Columns(4, nil, false) cp1 = 25 cp2 = 125 cp3 = 260 cp4 = 160 imgui.Text("1") imgui.SetColumnWidth(-1, cp1) imgui.NextColumn() imgui.SetColumnWidth(-1, cp2) imgui.Text("Moonloader v0"..getMoonloaderVersion()) imgui.NextColumn() imgui.SetColumnWidth(-1, cp3) link = "https://blast.hk/threads/13305/" imgui.Text(link) imgui_info_open(link) imgui.NextColumn() imgui.SetColumnWidth(-1, cp4) imgui.Text("FYP, ") imgui_info_open("https://blast.hk/members/2/") imgui.SameLine() imgui.Text("hnnssy, ") imgui_info_open("https://blast.hk/members/66797/") imgui.SameLine() imgui.Text("EvgeN 1137.") imgui_info_open("https://blast.hk/members/1/") imgui.NextColumn() imgui.Text("2") imgui.SetColumnWidth(-1, cp1) imgui.NextColumn() imgui.SetColumnWidth(-1, cp2) imgui.Text("SAMPFUNCS v5.3.3") imgui.NextColumn() imgui.SetColumnWidth(-1, cp3) link = "https://blast.hk/threads/17/" imgui.Text(link) imgui_info_open(link) imgui.NextColumn() imgui.SetColumnWidth(-1, cp4) imgui.Text("FYP") imgui_info_open("https://blast.hk/members/2/") imgui.NextColumn() imgui.Text("3") imgui.SetColumnWidth(-1, cp1) imgui.NextColumn() imgui.SetColumnWidth(-1, cp2) imgui.Text("ImGui v1.52") imgui.NextColumn() imgui.SetColumnWidth(-1, cp3) link = "https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/" imgui.Text(link) imgui_info_open(link) imgui.NextColumn() imgui.SetColumnWidth(-1, cp4) imgui.Text("ocornut") imgui_info_open("https://github.com/ocornut/") imgui.NextColumn() imgui.Text("4") imgui.SetColumnWidth(-1, cp1) imgui.NextColumn() imgui.SetColumnWidth(-1, cp2) imgui.Text("Moon ImGui v1.1.3") imgui.NextColumn() imgui.SetColumnWidth(-1, cp3) link = "https://blast.hk/threads/19292/" imgui.Text(link) imgui_info_open(link) imgui.NextColumn() imgui.SetColumnWidth(-1, cp4) imgui.Text("FYP") imgui_info_open("https://blast.hk/members/2/") imgui.NextColumn() imgui.Text("5") imgui.SetColumnWidth(-1, cp1) imgui.NextColumn() imgui.SetColumnWidth(-1, cp2) imgui.Text("SAMP.Lua v2.0.5") imgui.NextColumn() imgui.SetColumnWidth(-1, cp3) link = "https://github.com/THE-FYP/SAMP.Lua/" imgui.Text(link) imgui_info_open(link) imgui.NextColumn() imgui.SetColumnWidth(-1, cp4) imgui.Text("FYP, ") imgui_info_open("https://blast.hk/members/2") imgui.SameLine() imgui.Text("MISTERGONWIK.") imgui_info_open("https://blast.hk/members/3") imgui.NextColumn() imgui.Text("6") imgui.SetColumnWidth(-1, cp1) imgui.NextColumn() imgui.SetColumnWidth(-1, cp2) imgui.Text("lua-lockbox v0.1.0") imgui.NextColumn() imgui.SetColumnWidth(-1, cp3) link = "https://github.com/somesocks/lua-lockbox/" imgui.Text(link) imgui_info_open(link) imgui.NextColumn() imgui.SetColumnWidth(-1, cp4) imgui.Text("somesocks") imgui_info_open("https://github.com/somesocks/") imgui.NextColumn() imgui.Text("7") imgui.SetColumnWidth(-1, cp1) imgui.NextColumn() imgui.SetColumnWidth(-1, cp2) imgui.Text("ImGui Custom v1.1.5") imgui.NextColumn() imgui.SetColumnWidth(-1, cp3) link = "https://blast.hk/threads/22080/" imgui.Text(link) imgui_info_open(link) imgui.NextColumn() imgui.SetColumnWidth(-1, cp4) imgui.Text("DonHomka") imgui_info_open("https://blast.hk/members/161656/") imgui.NextColumn() imgui.Text("8") imgui.SetColumnWidth(-1, cp1) imgui.NextColumn() imgui.SetColumnWidth(-1, cp2) imgui.Text("RKeys v1.0.7") imgui.NextColumn() imgui.SetColumnWidth(-1, cp3) link = "https://blast.hk/threads/22145/" imgui.Text(link) imgui_info_open(link) imgui.NextColumn() imgui.SetColumnWidth(-1, cp4) imgui.Text("DonHomka") imgui_info_open("https://blast.hk/members/161656/") imgui.NextColumn() imgui.Columns(1) imgui.EndChild() end function imgui_info_open(link) if imgui.IsItemHovered() and imgui.IsMouseClicked(0) then local ffi = require 'ffi' ffi.cdef [[ void* __stdcall ShellExecuteA(void* hwnd, const char* op, const char* file, const char* params, const char* dir, int show_cmd); uint32_t __stdcall CoInitializeEx(void*, uint32_t); ]] local shell32 = ffi.load 'Shell32' local ole32 = ffi.load 'Ole32' ole32.CoInitializeEx(nil, 2 + 4) -- COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED | COINIT_DISABLE_OLE1DDE print(shell32.ShellExecuteA(nil, 'open', link, nil, nil, 1)) end end function imgui_info_rightclick() if imgui.IsItemHovered(imgui.HoveredFlags.RootWindow) and imgui.IsMouseClicked(1) then cfg.only.info = true end end function imgui_blacklist() imgui.TextWrapped(u8"Здесь отображается ваш чёрный список.") imgui.TextWrapped(u8"Щёлкните правой кнопкой, чтобы удалить.") imgui.Text("") for k, v in pairs(sms) do if v["Blocked"] ~= nil and v["Blocked"] == 1 then imgui.Text(u8:encode(k)) end if imgui.IsItemHovered() and imgui.IsMouseClicked(1) then v["Blocked"] = nil table.insert(v["Chat"], {text = "Собеседник разблокирован", Nick = "мессенджер", type = "service", time = os.time()}) SSDB_trigger = true end end end function imgui_settings_2_sms_hideandcol() if imgui.Checkbox("##HideSmsIn2", iHideSmsIn) then cfg.options.HideSmsIn = iHideSmsIn.v inicfg.save(cfg, "smes") end imgui.SameLine() if iHideSmsIn.v then imgui.Text(u8("Скрывать входящие сообщения?")) else imgui.TextDisabled(u8"Скрывать входящие сообщения?") end if imgui.Checkbox("##HideSmsOut", iHideSmsOut) then cfg.options.HideSmsOut = iHideSmsOut.v inicfg.save(cfg, "smes") end imgui.SameLine() if iHideSmsOut.v then imgui.Text(u8("Скрывать исходящие сообщения?")) else imgui.TextDisabled(u8"Скрывать исходящие сообщения?") end hidesmssent() if not cfg.options.HideSmsIn then if imgui.Checkbox("##iReplaceSmsInColor", iReplaceSmsInColor) then cfg.options.ReplaceSmsInColor = iReplaceSmsInColor.v inicfg.save(cfg, "smes") end imgui.SameLine() if iReplaceSmsInColor.v then imgui.Text(u8("Цвет входящих сообщений изменяется на: ")) imgui.SameLine(295) imgui.Text("") imgui.SameLine() if imgui.ColorEdit4("##SmsInColor", SmsInColor, imgui.ColorEditFlags.NoInputs + imgui.ColorEditFlags.NoLabel + imgui.ColorEditFlags.NoAlpha + imgui.ColorEditFlags.NoOptions) then cfg.colors.SmsInColor = imgui.ImColor.FromFloat4(SmsInColor.v[1], SmsInColor.v[2], SmsInColor.v[3], SmsInColor.v[4]):GetU32() local r, g, b, a = imgui.ImColor.FromFloat4(SmsInColor.v[1], SmsInColor.v[2], SmsInColor.v[3], SmsInColor.v[4]):GetRGBA() SmsInColor_HEX = "0x"..string.sub(bit.tohex(join_argb(a, r, g, b)), 3, 8) inicfg.save(cfg, "smes") end else imgui.TextDisabled(u8"Изменять цвет входящих сообщений?") end end if not cfg.options.HideSmsOut then if imgui.Checkbox("##iReplaceSmsOutColor", iReplaceSmsOutColor) then cfg.options.ReplaceSmsOutColor = iReplaceSmsOutColor.v inicfg.save(cfg, "smes") end imgui.SameLine() if iReplaceSmsOutColor.v then imgui.Text(u8("Цвет исходящих сообщений изменяется на: ")) imgui.SameLine(295) imgui.Text("") imgui.SameLine() if imgui.ColorEdit4("##SmsOutColor", SmsOutColor, imgui.ColorEditFlags.NoInputs + imgui.ColorEditFlags.NoLabel + imgui.ColorEditFlags.NoAlpha + imgui.ColorEditFlags.NoOptions) then cfg.colors.SmsOutColor = imgui.ImColor.FromFloat4(SmsOutColor.v[1], SmsOutColor.v[2], SmsOutColor.v[3], SmsOutColor.v[4]):GetU32() local r, g, b, a = imgui.ImColor.FromFloat4(SmsOutColor.v[1], SmsOutColor.v[2], SmsOutColor.v[3], SmsOutColor.v[4]):GetRGBA() SmsOutColor_HEX = "0x"..string.sub(bit.tohex(join_argb(a, r, g, b)), 3, 8) inicfg.save(cfg, "smes") end else imgui.TextDisabled(u8"Изменять цвет исходящих сообщений в чате?") end end changesmssent() end function imgui_settings_6_sms_messanger() imgui.Text(u8("Цвета входящих смс в диалогах:")) imgui.SameLine(210) imgui.Text("") imgui.SameLine() if imgui.ColorEdit4(u8"Цвет фона входящего смс", iINcolor, imgui.ColorEditFlags.NoInputs + imgui.ColorEditFlags.NoLabel + imgui.ColorEditFlags.NoOptions + imgui.ColorEditFlags.AlphaBar) then cfg.messanger.SmsInColor = imgui.ImColor.FromFloat4(iINcolor.v[1], iINcolor.v[2], iINcolor.v[3], iINcolor.v[4]):GetU32() inicfg.save(cfg, "smes") end imgui.SameLine() if imgui.ColorEdit4(u8"Цвет времени входящего смс", iSmsInTimeColor, imgui.ColorEditFlags.NoInputs + imgui.ColorEditFlags.NoLabel + imgui.ColorEditFlags.NoOptions + imgui.ColorEditFlags.AlphaBar) then cfg.messanger.SmsInTimeColor = imgui.ImColor.FromFloat4(iSmsInTimeColor.v[1], iSmsInTimeColor.v[2], iSmsInTimeColor.v[3], iSmsInTimeColor.v[4]):GetU32() inicfg.save(cfg, "smes") end imgui.SameLine() if imgui.ColorEdit4(u8"Цвет заголовка входящего смс", iSmsInHeaderColor, imgui.ColorEditFlags.NoInputs + imgui.ColorEditFlags.NoLabel + imgui.ColorEditFlags.NoOptions + imgui.ColorEditFlags.AlphaBar) then cfg.messanger.SmsInHeaderColor = imgui.ImColor.FromFloat4(iSmsInHeaderColor.v[1], iSmsInHeaderColor.v[2], iSmsInHeaderColor.v[3], iSmsInHeaderColor.v[4]):GetU32() inicfg.save(cfg, "smes") end imgui.SameLine() if imgui.ColorEdit4(u8"Цвет текста входящего смс", iSmsInTextColor, imgui.ColorEditFlags.NoInputs + imgui.ColorEditFlags.NoLabel + imgui.ColorEditFlags.NoOptions + imgui.ColorEditFlags.AlphaBar) then cfg.messanger.SmsInTextColor = imgui.ImColor.FromFloat4(iSmsInTextColor.v[1], iSmsInTextColor.v[2], iSmsInTextColor.v[3], iSmsInTextColor.v[4]):GetU32() inicfg.save(cfg, "smes") end if cfg.messanger.SmsInColor ~= imgui.ImColor(66.3, 150.45, 249.9, 102):GetU32() or cfg.messanger.SmsInTimeColor ~= imgui.ImColor(0, 0, 0):GetU32() or cfg.messanger.SmsInHeaderColor ~= imgui.ImColor(255, 255, 255):GetU32() or cfg.messanger.SmsInTextColor ~= imgui.ImColor(255, 255, 255):GetU32() then imgui.SameLine() if imgui.Button(u8"Сброс") then cfg.messanger.SmsInColor = imgui.ImColor(66.3, 150.45, 249.9, 102):GetU32() cfg.messanger.SmsInTimeColor = imgui.ImColor(0, 0, 0):GetU32() cfg.messanger.SmsInHeaderColor = imgui.ImColor(255, 255, 255):GetU32() cfg.messanger.SmsInTextColor = imgui.ImColor(255, 255, 255):GetU32() iINcolor = imgui.ImFloat4(imgui.ImColor(cfg.messanger.SmsInColor):GetFloat4()) iSmsInTimeColor = imgui.ImFloat4(imgui.ImColor(cfg.messanger.SmsInTimeColor ):GetFloat4()) iSmsInHeaderColor = imgui.ImFloat4(imgui.ImColor(cfg.messanger.SmsInHeaderColor):GetFloat4()) iSmsInTextColor = imgui.ImFloat4(imgui.ImColor(cfg.messanger.SmsInTextColor):GetFloat4()) inicfg.save(cfg, "smes") end end imgui.Text(u8("Цвета исходящих смс в диалогах:")) imgui.SameLine(210) imgui.Text("") imgui.SameLine() if imgui.ColorEdit4(u8"Цвет фона исходящих смс", iOUTcolor, imgui.ColorEditFlags.NoInputs + imgui.ColorEditFlags.NoLabel + imgui.ColorEditFlags.NoOptions + imgui.ColorEditFlags.AlphaBar) then cfg.messanger.SmsOutColor = imgui.ImColor.FromFloat4(iOUTcolor.v[1], iOUTcolor.v[2], iOUTcolor.v[3], iOUTcolor.v[4]):GetU32() inicfg.save(cfg, "smes") end imgui.SameLine() if imgui.ColorEdit4(u8"Цвет времени исходящего смс", iSmsOutTimeColor, imgui.ColorEditFlags.NoInputs + imgui.ColorEditFlags.NoLabel + imgui.ColorEditFlags.NoOptions + imgui.ColorEditFlags.AlphaBar) then cfg.messanger.SmsOutTimeColor = imgui.ImColor.FromFloat4(iSmsOutTimeColor.v[1], iSmsOutTimeColor.v[2], iSmsOutTimeColor.v[3], iSmsOutTimeColor.v[4]):GetU32() inicfg.save(cfg, "smes") end imgui.SameLine() if imgui.ColorEdit4(u8"Цвет заголовка исходящего смс", iSmsOutHeaderColor, imgui.ColorEditFlags.NoInputs + imgui.ColorEditFlags.NoLabel + imgui.ColorEditFlags.NoOptions + imgui.ColorEditFlags.AlphaBar) then cfg.messanger.SmsOutHeaderColor = imgui.ImColor.FromFloat4(iSmsOutHeaderColor.v[1], iSmsOutHeaderColor.v[2], iSmsOutHeaderColor.v[3], iSmsOutHeaderColor.v[4]):GetU32() inicfg.save(cfg, "smes") end imgui.SameLine() if imgui.ColorEdit4(u8"Цвет текста исходящего смс", iSmsOutTextColor, imgui.ColorEditFlags.NoInputs + imgui.ColorEditFlags.NoLabel + imgui.ColorEditFlags.NoOptions + imgui.ColorEditFlags.AlphaBar) then cfg.messanger.SmsOutTextColor = imgui.ImColor.FromFloat4(iSmsOutTextColor.v[1], iSmsOutTextColor.v[2], iSmsOutTextColor.v[3], iSmsOutTextColor.v[4]):GetU32() inicfg.save(cfg, "smes") end -- if cfg.messanger.SmsOutColor ~= imgui.ImColor(66.3, 150.45, 249.9, 102):GetU32() or cfg.messanger.SmsOutTimeColor ~= imgui.ImColor(0, 0, 0):GetU32() or cfg.messanger.SmsOutHeaderColor ~= imgui.ImColor(255, 255, 255):GetU32() or cfg.messanger.SmsOutTextColor ~= imgui.ImColor(255, 255, 255):GetU32() then imgui.SameLine() if imgui.Button(u8"Сброс") then cfg.messanger.SmsOutColor = imgui.ImColor(66.3, 150.45, 249.9, 102):GetU32() cfg.messanger.SmsOutTimeColor = imgui.ImColor(0, 0, 0):GetU32() cfg.messanger.SmsOutHeaderColor = imgui.ImColor(255, 255, 255):GetU32() cfg.messanger.SmsOutTextColor = imgui.ImColor(255, 255, 255):GetU32() iOUTcolor = imgui.ImFloat4(imgui.ImColor(cfg.messanger.SmsOutColor):GetFloat4()) iSmsOutTimeColor = imgui.ImFloat4(imgui.ImColor(cfg.messanger.SmsOutTimeColor ):GetFloat4()) iSmsOutHeaderColor = imgui.ImFloat4(imgui.ImColor(cfg.messanger.SmsOutHeaderColor):GetFloat4()) iSmsOutTextColor = imgui.ImFloat4(imgui.ImColor(cfg.messanger.SmsOutTextColor):GetFloat4()) inicfg.save(cfg, "smes") end end if imgui.Checkbox("##включить сохранение бд смс", iStoreSMS) then if PREMIUM then if cfg.messanger.storesms == false then ingamelaunch = true imgui_messanger_sms_loadDB() end cfg.messanger.storesms = iStoreSMS.v inicfg.save(cfg, "smes") else imgui_itspremiuim() end end if not PREMIUM then iStoreSMS.v = false end if iStoreSMS.v then imgui.SameLine() kol = 0 for k, v in pairs(sms) do kol = kol + 1 end imgui.Text(u8:encode("СУБД активна. Количество диалогов: "..kol..".")) imgui.NewLine() imgui.SameLine(32) imgui.TextWrapped(u8:encode("Путь к БД: "..smsfile)) else imgui.SameLine() imgui.TextDisabled(u8"Сохранять БД смс?") --imgui_messanger_sms_loadDB() if doesFileExist(smsfile) then imgui.SameLine() if imgui.Button(u8("Удалить БД")) then os.remove(smsfile) sms = {} end end end end function imgui_settings_13_sms_sounds() if not PREMIUM and iSoundSmsInNumber.v > 10 then iSoundSmsInNumber.v = math.random(1, 10) end if not PREMIUM and iSoundSmsOutNumber.v > 10 then iSoundSmsOutNumber.v = math.random(1, 10) end if imgui.Checkbox("##SoundSmsIn", iSoundSmsIn) then cfg.options.SoundSmsIn = iSoundSmsIn.v inicfg.save(cfg, "smes") end if iSoundSmsIn.v then imgui.SameLine() imgui.PushItemWidth(imgui.GetContentRegionAvailWidth() - imgui.CalcTextSize(u8"Звук исходящего сообщения").x) imgui.SliderInt(u8"Звук входящего сообщения", iSoundSmsInNumber, 1, currentaudiokolDD) if iSoundSmsInNumber.v ~= cfg.options.SoundSmsInNumber and iSoundSmsInNumber.v <= currentaudiokolDD then PLAYSMSIN = true cfg.options.SoundSmsInNumber = iSoundSmsInNumber.v inicfg.save(cfg, "smes") end else imgui.SameLine() imgui.TextDisabled(u8"Включить уведомление о входящем сообщении?") end if imgui.Checkbox("##SoundSmsOut", iSoundSmsOut) then cfg.options.SoundSmsOut = iSoundSmsOut.v inicfg.save(cfg, "smes") end if iSoundSmsOut.v then imgui.SameLine() imgui.PushItemWidth(imgui.GetContentRegionAvailWidth() - imgui.CalcTextSize(u8"Звук исходящего сообщения").x) imgui.SliderInt(u8"Звук исходящего сообщения", iSoundSmsOutNumber, 1, currentaudiokolDD) if iSoundSmsOutNumber.v ~= cfg.options.SoundSmsOutNumber and iSoundSmsOutNumber.v <= currentaudiokolDD then PLAYSMSOUT = true cfg.options.SoundSmsOutNumber = iSoundSmsOutNumber.v inicfg.save(cfg, "smes") end else imgui.SameLine() imgui.TextDisabled(u8"Включить уведомление об исходящем сообщении?") end end function imgui_settings_14_hotkeys() hotk.v = {} hotke.v = hotkeys["hkMainMenu"] if ihk.HotKey("##hkMainMenu", hotke, hotk, 100) then if not hk.isHotKeyDefined(hotke.v) then if hk.isHotKeyDefined(hotk.v) then hk.unRegisterHotKey(hotk.v) end end cfg.hkMainMenu = {} for k, v in pairs(hotke.v) do table.insert(cfg.hkMainMenu, v) end if cfg.hkMainMenu == {} then cfg["hkMainMenu"][1] = 90 end inicfg.save(cfg, "smes") main_init_hotkeys() end imgui.SameLine() imgui.Text(u8"Горячая клавиша активации скрипта.") imgui.SameLine() imgui.TextDisabled("(?)") if imgui.IsItemHovered() then imgui.SetTooltip(u8"По нажатию хоткея открывается окно скрипта.") end if imgui.Checkbox("##imhk6", imhk6) then cfg.messanger.hotkey6 = imhk6.v inicfg.save(cfg, "smes") main_init_hotkeys() end imgui.SameLine() if imhk6.v then imgui.Text(u8("Хоткей фокуса на ввод в активном диалоге.")) else imgui.TextDisabled(u8"Включить хоткей фокуса на ввод в активном диалоге?") end imgui.SameLine() imgui.TextDisabled("(?)") if imgui.IsItemHovered() then imgui.SetTooltip(u8"По нажатию хоткея устанавливается фокус на ввод сообщения в активном диалоге.") end if imhk6.v then hotk.v = {} hotke.v = hotkeys["hkm6"] if ihk.HotKey(u8"##hkm6", hotke, hotk, 100) then if not hk.isHotKeyDefined(hotke.v) then if hk.isHotKeyDefined(hotk.v) then hk.unRegisterHotKey(hotk.v) end end cfg.hkm6 = {} for k, v in pairs(hotke.v) do table.insert(cfg.hkm6, v) end if cfg.hkm6 == {} then cfg["hkm6"][6] = 13 end inicfg.save(cfg, "smes") main_init_hotkeys() end imgui.SameLine() imgui.Text(u8"Горячая клавиша фокуса на ввод в активном диалоге.") imgui.SameLine() imgui.TextDisabled("(?)") if imgui.IsItemHovered() then imgui.SetTooltip(u8"Если мессенджер и диалог открыт, фокус устанавливается на ввод сообщения.") end end if not PREMIUM then imhk4.v = false end if imgui.Checkbox("##imhk4", imhk4) then if PREMIUM then cfg.messanger.hotkey4 = imhk4.v main_init_hotkeys() inicfg.save(cfg, "smes") else imgui_itspremiuim() end end imgui.SameLine() if imhk4.v then imgui.Text(u8("Хоткей быстрого ответа через мессенджер sms включен.")) else imgui.TextDisabled(u8"Включить хоткей быстрого ответа через мессенджер sms?") end imgui.SameLine() imgui.TextDisabled("(?)") if imgui.IsItemHovered() then if PREMIUM then imgui.SetTooltip(u8"По нажатию хоткея открывается/закрывается мессенджер sms с последним сообщением.\nЕсли он уже открыт, то фокус меняется на последнее сообщение.") else imgui.SetTooltip(u8"Только для PREMIUM-пользователей.\nПо нажатию хоткея открывается/закрывается мессенджер sms с последним сообщением.\nЕсли он уже открыт, то фокус меняется на последнее сообщение.") end end if imhk4.v and PREMIUM then hotk.v = {} hotke.v = hotkeys["hkm4"] if ihk.HotKey(u8"##hkm4", hotke, hotk, 100) then if not hk.isHotKeyDefined(hotke.v) then if hk.isHotKeyDefined(hotk.v) then hk.unRegisterHotKey(hotk.v) end end cfg.hkm4 = {} for k, v in pairs(hotke.v) do table.insert(cfg.hkm4, v) end if cfg.hkm4 == {} then cfg["hkm4"][4] = 54 end inicfg.save(cfg, "smes") main_init_hotkeys() end imgui.SameLine() imgui.Text(u8"Горячая клавиша быстрого ответа через мессенджер sms.") imgui.SameLine() imgui.TextDisabled("(?)") if imgui.IsItemHovered() then imgui.SetTooltip(u8"По нажатию хоткея открывается/закрывается мессенджер sms с последним сообщением.\nЕсли он уже открыт, то фокус меняется на последнее сообщение.") end end if imgui.Checkbox("##imhk5", imhk5) then if PREMIUM then cfg.messanger.hotkey5 = imhk5.v main_init_hotkeys() inicfg.save(cfg, "smes") else imgui_itspremiuim() end end if not PREMIUM then imhk5.v = false end imgui.SameLine() if imhk5.v then imgui.Text(u8("Хоткей создания диалога через sms мессенджер включен.")) else imgui.TextDisabled(u8"Включить хоткей создания диалога через sms мессенджер?") end imgui.SameLine() imgui.TextDisabled("(?)") if imgui.IsItemHovered() then if PREMIUM then imgui.SetTooltip(u8"По нажатию хоткея открывается мессенджер смс с фокусом на ввод ника/id нового собеседника.") else imgui.SetTooltip(u8"Только для PREMIUM-пользователей.\nПо нажатию хоткея открывается мессенджер смс с фокусом на ввод ника/id нового собеседника.") end end if imhk5.v and PREMIUM then hotk.v = {} hotke.v = hotkeys["hkm5"] if ihk.HotKey(u8"##hkm5", hotke, hotk, 100) then if not hk.isHotKeyDefined(hotke.v) then if hk.isHotKeyDefined(hotk.v) then hk.unRegisterHotKey(hotk.v) end end cfg.hkm5 = {} for k, v in pairs(hotke.v) do table.insert(cfg.hkm5, v) end if cfg.hkm5 == {} then cfg["hkm5"][5] = 55 end inicfg.save(cfg, "smes") main_init_hotkeys() end imgui.SameLine() imgui.Text(u8"Горячая клавиша создания диалога через sms мессенджер.") imgui.SameLine() imgui.TextDisabled("(?)") if imgui.IsItemHovered() then imgui.SetTooltip(u8"По нажатию хоткея открывается мессенджер смс с фокусом на ввод ника/id нового собеседника.") end end end function imgui_settings_15_extra() if imgui.Checkbox(u8"Рендерить курсор силами gta?", MouseDrawCursor) then cfg.options.MouseDrawCursor = MouseDrawCursor.v imgui.GetIO().MouseDrawCursor = MouseDrawCursor.v inicfg.save(cfg, "smes") end imgui.SameLine() imgui.TextDisabled("(?)") if imgui.IsItemHovered() then imgui.SetTooltip(u8"Если включить, курсор будет отображаться на скринах.\nМинус: курсор будет немного лагать.") end end function apply_custom_style() imgui.SwitchContext() local style = imgui.GetStyle() local colors = style.Colors local clr = imgui.Col local ImVec4 = imgui.ImVec4 style.WindowRounding = 2.0 style.WindowTitleAlign = imgui.ImVec2(0.5, 0.84) style.ChildWindowRounding = 2.0 style.FrameRounding = 2.0 style.ItemSpacing = imgui.ImVec2(5.0, 4.0) style.ScrollbarSize = 13.0 style.ScrollbarRounding = 0 style.GrabMinSize = 8.0 style.GrabRounding = 1.0 colors[clr.Text] = ImVec4(1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00) colors[clr.TextDisabled] = ImVec4(0.50, 0.50, 0.50, 1.00) colors[clr.WindowBg] = ImVec4(0.06, 0.06, 0.06, 0.94) colors[clr.ChildWindowBg] = ImVec4(1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 0.00) colors[clr.PopupBg] = ImVec4(0.08, 0.08, 0.08, 0.94) colors[clr.ComboBg] = colors[clr.PopupBg] colors[clr.Border] = ImVec4(0.43, 0.43, 0.50, 0.50) colors[clr.BorderShadow] = ImVec4(0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00) colors[clr.FrameBg] = ImVec4(0.16, 0.29, 0.48, 0.54) colors[clr.FrameBgHovered] = ImVec4(0.26, 0.59, 0.98, 0.40) colors[clr.FrameBgActive] = ImVec4(0.26, 0.59, 0.98, 0.67) colors[clr.TitleBg] = ImVec4(0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 1.00) colors[clr.TitleBgActive] = ImVec4(0.16, 0.29, 0.48, 1.00) colors[clr.TitleBgCollapsed] = ImVec4(0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.51) colors[clr.MenuBarBg] = ImVec4(0.14, 0.14, 0.14, 1.00) colors[clr.ScrollbarBg] = ImVec4(0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.53) colors[clr.ScrollbarGrab] = ImVec4(0.31, 0.31, 0.31, 1.00) colors[clr.ScrollbarGrabHovered] = ImVec4(0.41, 0.41, 0.41, 1.00) colors[clr.ScrollbarGrabActive] = ImVec4(0.51, 0.51, 0.51, 1.00) colors[clr.CheckMark] = ImVec4(0.26, 0.59, 0.98, 1.00) colors[clr.SliderGrab] = ImVec4(0.24, 0.52, 0.88, 1.00) colors[clr.SliderGrabActive] = ImVec4(0.26, 0.59, 0.98, 1.00) colors[clr.Button] = ImVec4(0.26, 0.59, 0.98, 0.40) colors[clr.ButtonHovered] = ImVec4(0, 0, 0, 1.00) colors[clr.ButtonActive] = ImVec4(0.06, 0.53, 0.98, 1.00) colors[clr.Header] = ImVec4(0.26, 0.59, 0.98, 0.31) colors[clr.HeaderHovered] = ImVec4(0.26, 0.59, 0.98, 0.80) colors[clr.HeaderActive] = ImVec4(0.26, 0.59, 0.98, 1.00) colors[clr.Separator] = colors[clr.Border] colors[clr.SeparatorHovered] = ImVec4(0.26, 0.59, 0.98, 0.78) colors[clr.SeparatorActive] = ImVec4(0.26, 0.59, 0.98, 1.00) colors[clr.ResizeGrip] = ImVec4(0.26, 0.59, 0.98, 0.25) colors[clr.ResizeGripHovered] = ImVec4(0.26, 0.59, 0.98, 0.67) colors[clr.ResizeGripActive] = ImVec4(0.26, 0.59, 0.98, 0.95) colors[clr.CloseButton] = ImVec4(0.41, 0.41, 0.41, 0.50) colors[clr.CloseButtonHovered] = ImVec4(0.98, 0.39, 0.36, 1.00) colors[clr.CloseButtonActive] = ImVec4(0.98, 0.39, 0.36, 1.00) colors[clr.PlotLines] = ImVec4(0.61, 0.61, 0.61, 1.00) colors[clr.PlotLinesHovered] = ImVec4(1.00, 0.43, 0.35, 1.00) colors[clr.PlotHistogram] = ImVec4(0.90, 0.70, 0.00, 1.00) colors[clr.PlotHistogramHovered] = ImVec4(1.00, 0.60, 0.00, 1.00) colors[clr.TextSelectedBg] = ImVec4(0.26, 0.59, 0.98, 0.35) colors[clr.ModalWindowDarkening] = ImVec4(0.80, 0.80, 0.80, 0.35) end ----------------------------------HELPERS--------------------------------------- do function join_argb(a, r, g, b) local argb = b -- b argb = bit.bor(argb, bit.lshift(g, 8)) -- g argb = bit.bor(argb, bit.lshift(r, 16)) -- r argb = bit.bor(argb, bit.lshift(a, 24)) -- a return argb end function string.rlower(s) s = s:lower() local strlen = s:len() if strlen == 0 then return s end s = s:lower() local output = '' for i = 1, strlen do local ch = s:byte(i) if ch >= 192 and ch <= 223 then -- upper russian characters output = output .. russian_characters[ch + 32] elseif ch == 168 then -- Ё output = output .. russian_characters[184] else output = output .. string.char(ch) end end return output end function string.rupper(s) s = s:upper() local strlen = s:len() if strlen == 0 then return s end s = s:upper() local output = '' for i = 1, strlen do local ch = s:byte(i) if ch >= 224 and ch <= 255 then -- lower russian characters output = output .. russian_characters[ch - 32] elseif ch == 184 then -- ё output = output .. russian_characters[168] else output = output .. string.char(ch) end end return output end local function exportstring( s ) return string.format("%q", s) end --// The Save Function function table.save( tbl, filename ) local charS, charE = " ", "\n" local file, err = io.open( filename, "wb" ) if err then return err end -- initiate variables for save procedure local tables, lookup = { tbl }, { [tbl] = 1 } file:write( "return {"..charE ) for idx, t in ipairs( tables ) do file:write( "-- Table: {"..idx.."}"..charE ) file:write( "{"..charE ) local thandled = {} for i, v in ipairs( t ) do thandled[i] = true local stype = type( v ) -- only handle value if stype == "table" then if not lookup[v] then table.insert( tables, v ) lookup[v] = #tables end file:write( charS.."{"..lookup[v].."},"..charE ) elseif stype == "string" then file:write( charS..exportstring( v )..","..charE ) elseif stype == "number" then file:write( charS..tostring( v )..","..charE ) end end for i, v in pairs( t ) do -- escape handled values if (not thandled[i]) then local str = "" local stype = type( i ) -- handle index if stype == "table" then if not lookup[i] then table.insert( tables, i ) lookup[i] = #tables end str = charS.."[{"..lookup[i].."}]=" elseif stype == "string" then str = charS.."["..exportstring( i ).."]=" elseif stype == "number" then str = charS.."["..tostring( i ).."]=" end if str ~= "" then stype = type( v ) -- handle value if stype == "table" then if not lookup[v] then table.insert( tables, v ) lookup[v] = #tables end file:write( str.."{"..lookup[v].."},"..charE ) elseif stype == "string" then file:write( str..exportstring( v )..","..charE ) elseif stype == "number" then file:write( str..tostring( v )..","..charE ) end end end end file:write( "},"..charE ) end file:write( "}" ) file:close() end --// The Load Function function table.load( sfile ) local ftables, err = loadfile( sfile ) if err then return _, err end local tables = ftables() for idx = 1, #tables do local tolinki = {} for i, v in pairs( tables[idx] ) do if type( v ) == "table" then tables[idx][i] = tables[v[1]] end if type( i ) == "table" and tables[i[1]] then table.insert( tolinki, { i, tables[i[1]] } ) end end -- link indices for _, v in ipairs( tolinki ) do tables[idx][v[2]], tables[idx][v[1]] = tables[idx][v[1]], nil end end return tables[1] end end